Today I would like to help some with their faith and hopeful be - TopicsExpress


Today I would like to help some with their faith and hopeful be able to explain, how some of it works. Their are many components to faith. Many of you are in the wilderness, this is a place before you arrive to the promised land. Think about it ! The promised land was near. But God led the people through the wilderness . Why the detour ? The Bible says, God led the people about, through the way of the wilderness. God was directing them ! God led them through the wilderness first ,because the promise land was enemy occupied territory. There would be no taking without a battle. The wilderness was Gods training ground to prepare Israel for warfare. He prepared them through testing. It is the same in your spiritual journey. God will not lead you out of Spiritual Egypt and immediately into the promise land. You are not ready for the warfare ! Satan mounts his most devastating attack against you in the Promise land. The Israelities were not ready for combat and might have deserted and return back to Egypt. In the promise land Satan will most viciously oppress you, most powerfully oppose you, and intensify his efforts to lead you astray. To seek an abundant Spiritual life is to feel the fangs of the serpent. The victorious Christian must win out over the devil. The wilderness is for testing. It is a time when your commitment will be tested to its limit. It is a period of Spiritual development which you desperately need yo know. The key to a full understanding of trial, or temptation is to see the experience as a synchronization of three separate acts. It usually consist of an action by Satan, an action by God, and an action by man. For example ,not long after the children of Israel escaped from Egypt they ran out of food. God temporarily withheld any provision on his part until later . However their temporary lack of food was enough to test their faith, But they flunked their FAITH test. And the whole congregation of the children of Israel murmured against Moses and Aaron in the wilderness. When they should have expressed FAITH in God. Israel displayed a Satanic attitude and murmured against him. .d you know Satan had to be there suggesting negative thoughts and doubts., the instant their was no visible provision. Now can you see the interaction of God and Satan in your testing experience . Satan sends oppression, God withholds protection, Satan makes suggestions , God withholds provision. Just remember Gods testing is to set us on higher ground. For we walk by faith, not by sight (2 Corn 5:7) . Keep the faith!!!!
Posted on: Tue, 24 Sep 2013 17:58:06 +0000

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