Today Im composing a document that lays out the entire plan. Here - TopicsExpress


Today Im composing a document that lays out the entire plan. Here is a sneak peek at the first part of it: The Plan The Objective Now is the time to empower the individual in mass to fulfill each of their unique purposes making this world a more wholesome place to live for all of us and our posterity. There are over seven billion individuals residing on planet Earth today, each are uniquely equipped with innate abilities, gifts, and talents to do good. Every person on Earth has a special mission to perform, that upon its success rides an infinite improvement or balance for all to enjoy for many generations. The human being is capable of doing evil, yet was designed to do GOOD. Lasting happiness can only be found within the fruits of good works. Individuals can find their greatest joys within a life dedicated to serving their fellow man through their unique way. As they embrace their special roles they will access an abundance of resources to magnify their callings in life. Time, money, and knowledge become like rivers flowing full of all that is needed to sustain them on their quests. The domino effect of both success and failure to complete ones mission in life impacts all of humanity in a far greater way than what most people realize. For the sake of all, let’s empower each and every individual with what they require to succeed within their divine calling so that mankind may prosper. The Problem Ignorance and apathy seem to darken the minds and hearts of most people today and this leaves the door wide open for the institutions to abuse their respective powers setting the course for the self-destruction of mankind. Most feel powerless to take a stand against the hoarders on Earth who work within the shadows of the institutions and play Russian roulette with the lives of the masses as they please. Control is their objective by any means necessary, and like a disease they have spread their influence to every organ of society on a global scale. Deception is their most powerful tool as they unleash their evil designs upon humanity like it was some sort of property that the own. They have succeeded in convincing the slaves that they are free, that is their greatest trick of all. They laugh at the people as they watch them run on the never-ending treadmills they have built. They do not have to work for money; they simply print it and use it as much as they want for any purpose they choose. The thing they fear the most is the truth. When people embrace truth, the deception of these hoarders will lift up like a fog that clears away giving the people a clear vision of a better path to take. Fear and doubt drives the deception which results in ignorance and apathy. The problem is people are afraid to believe in themselves, their creator, and their divine purpose. The Solution Plugging mass quantities of people into a system that opens the minds and hearts of the people to believe in uniting together to do GOOD; by teaching them all to believe that they as an individual can make a significant difference in the world by taking simple actions towards relieving the world of the greatest things that ail it. To provide real solutions for the things that bring great misery such as hunger, homelessness, poverty, and despair. As each and every individual wakes up to their own potential and how they can contribute to these greater causes, they will want access to the flowing rivers of resources like time, money, and knowledge in order to do their part. The System If one out seven people could end hunger, would you want to be one out of the seven? Let’s look at a broad view of what this system looks like once it matures. Surely one billion people with a reasonable amount of means united together will end hunger. How? That’s simple. An online database will have all the hunger people on one side of it with a Bitcoin address and the amount needed monthly to have enough to eat—in most cases that will be $10 to $30 a month, and on the other side it will have the donors dedicated to feeding the hunger with the intent to end hunger—this database will hold billions of people within it in a highly organized and user friendly application. Third party institutions will not be able to interfere with the direct transfer of Bitcoins from the donor to the individual in need. A billion people united to end hunger will feel embolden to hold the institutions set up to serve mankind in check and balanced as the people make a significant difference in the cause to end hunger. Freedom will prevail as this united people marshal all of the resources needed through a highly mobilized effort. Peace on Earth is the grand prize and can only be reached through empowering the individual in mass and over time all will see its value. Certainly over a billion people on planet Earth are seeking for a way to improve their lives and will gravitate towards any evidence that shows them how to do it. Billions of people have access to television and watching TV is a common practice in every land and country. The 60 Second Million TV Reality Show will mature into a daily show that people will be drawn to watch. The mature version of the show will have true stories of transformation—rags to riches stories—that feature people within every country experiencing transformation and will be watched in every language. In Brazil the viewers will watch the lives of Brazilians being transformed in Portuguese; in Japan they will see the lives of their people transformed in Japanese; in the USA they will see the lives of Americans transformed in English; and so on, covering the whole Earth in every language. Behind every story filmed will be thousands of stories that are not filmed due to the limitations of air time, so many lives will experience transformation that even if we filmed every one of them there would not be enough channels on TV to watch them all even if 60 Second Millionaire TV played on every channel 24 hours a day, seven days a week. So, the statistics of these transformations will be shown instead. In addition, the humanitarian achievements of this massive united group will be shared on television as well. The light that comes out of this organization will be so bright that many will be drawn into it more by the achievements of this massive group than the stories of individual transformation seen on TV. Good people uniting with good people to empower the individual in mass will be seen as a much better way to solve the issues this world faces, which bring so much misery, over the control-based systems the institutions impose upon the people. Institutions will become subject to the will of the people and abuse of power will not be tolerated by the masses anymore! Truth will become evident and deception will fall away in the light of it. It will become clear that the numbers of those that prefer the deceptions are microscopic compared to those that prefer the truth. For example: “Poverty in NOT a necessary evil in the world.” We have been programmed to believe nothing can really be done to eliminate poverty, and we have been deceived! The principle of unity with the intent to empower the individual is the answer. Control by those prone to abuse power is the problem. 60 Second Millionaire TV will be sensational and will spark hope in the hearts of everyone that tunes in. So the question is: “How do we bring such a TV show into the marketplace?” There is only one way; Self-funding through fast organic growth. Season One of the show will feature 10,000 Contestants becoming Millionaires over the course of just a matter of months. The cause to end hunger will be embedded in the hearts of each of these Contestants as they go through their personal transformations. Season Two will feature how 10,000 brand new Millionaires will go out into the world to promote the unity of one billion people to gather together with the intent to end world hunger. Speedy growth is essential to the success of this objective. People as individuals are driven by self-interest. Most people have been deceived to believe that having a JOB is the best way to provide for themselves. Let’s face it; having a JOB is a very limited way to make money. What happens when you stop working? The money stops too, right? Let’s refer to the JOB as “Solo Effort Income.” What is the alternative? The answer is: “Team Effort Income.” We know! It seems like people that have tried to build teams to make money usually fail. For every story of success there are 90 stories of failure. Seems like a waste of time to most people. The truth is most business opportunities lack solid structure and training and people are left to fend for themselves to figure out how to become successful. So, 90% of the time the result is failure. The 60 Second Millionaire Tracy Davison has figured out the success formula and has successfully built teams of tens of thousands. He made his first million in 9 months, on a second opportunity he made his second million in 5 months, and on a third opportunity he made his third million in just 30 days. He set up 60 Second Millionaire Secrets as a company the mass majority on Earth can afford. For $10 a month an individual can have a valuable product delivered digitally and a business of their own. Most business opportunities are too expensive, and if people can’t at least break even on them after a month or two, they quit. You cannot build an income on team effort with a bunch of quitters. But for only $10 a month, even the people that are slow to follow the training will not feel the need to quit a $10 business. Even if they fail to pay $10 a month once they sign up, they simply go inactive, and because of the nature of a 2 by 20 Matrix; growth is likely to spill over below many that are inactive and one day they’ll awaken to the fact that if they start making the $10 payment again they will earn a profit. In a 2 by 20 Matrix there are only two spots available below each person, which means that when a person personally recruits more than 2 people the extra people spill over below the others. For example if the names of the first 2 people you personally sponsored were John and then Mary, and then you personally sponsored four more named Bill, then Sue, then Jack, and then Samantha. Bill and Sue would fill the two spots below John, and Jack and Samantha would fill the two spots below Mary. So John and Mary have a team below them even though they did not personally sponsor anyone at this point in this example. Your efforts have benefited the people below you and you have helped them to start earning a team effort income even though you were above them in the Matrix. The down-side to a $10 business is that it doesn’t make that much money on a small team, while more expensive opportunities can earn some money on a small team. But the nature of this type of income coming from an expensive opportunity is short-lived due to the mass majority that will quit. It’s better to build a team on a business where it is less likely for people to quit than to go for a fast buck on a more expensive business opportunity. At the end of the day, the one with the biggest team WINS, and it is much easier to build a massive team when it only costs $10 a month to be in business! ...
Posted on: Sun, 19 Oct 2014 06:40:17 +0000

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