Today June 13 is National Lobster Day. Lobster was once - TopicsExpress


Today June 13 is National Lobster Day. Lobster was once considered peasant food. In the 1800s, lobsters were incredibly plentiful and New Englanders could simply walk down the beach and capture them during low tide. Many servants lived off of lobster during this time period. In fact, one Massachusetts community had to pass a law that limited how often you could serve lobster to your servants. It was a modest three times a week. Today, lobster is considered a luxurious delicacy all over the world. In the state of Maine alone, lobster fishing is a $1 billion industry. There are many ways to enjoy lobster, but the most popular cooking methods are boiling, baking, steaming, and grilling. Now do not forget that today is Weed Your Garden Day. Yes it is time to get outside and tackle those annoying weeds those army of weeds threatening to strangle your vegetables and hide them from view. Staying in control of your garden is the most important thing a gardener can do for their plants. It is important these days to store up food for the winter with the high price of food. Weeding a garden can be a tedious back-breaking job there are benefits from weeding and having fresh produce. Weeds will steal important nutrients needed to grow healthy plants. Weeds easily spread plant disease and crowd out plant roots. Weeds will encourage pests to attack your crops and ruin your chance of getting fresh food. If gardening is not your forte, then maybe sewing is, and it just so happens to be Sewing Machine Day which encourages you to make use of a sewing machine, dig yours out of your attic or cupboard, or consider picking a new or used sewing machine from a charity store or second hand shop. Repair, alter and create clothing, curtains, fabrics and decorations for the day. Sewing machines were once common household objects, used for repairing worn and damaged clothes, as well as for making new items from fabrics and material; in recent years, however, they’ve largely disappeared from the average household. If both gardening and sewing do not inspire you, then maybe juggling is for you today as we celebrate National Juggling Day which honors talented people who can juggle many balls and objects at a time. And as a public service we announce that today is Career Nurse Assistants Day, recognizing nursing assistants who have dedicated their lives to the well-being of others for 5 to as many as 58 years." Being a nursing assistant is a difficult and often thankless job that requires knowledge, commitment and compassion. Many times it is a nursing assistant who cares for our elderly and disabled in hospitals and long-term care facilities. They deserve this special day of recognition and thanks. And you heard it here first. Today is also Kitchen Klutzes Of America Day in honor of all those in the kitchen who try so hard yet fail so big. The one thing we do not fail to do is recognize the notable and famous born on this date. Here is our roster for today: Dorothy L. Sayers, mystery writer; Malcolm McDowell, actor; Richard Thomas, actor; Tim Allen, comedian, movie and television actor, TV series "Home Improvement"; and Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen twins, actresses. Since the news today is what the US Supreme Court decides in a number of cases, we turn back the clock in our highlight in history for today to 1966. In that year on this day, the Supreme Court hands down its decision in Miranda v. Arizona, establishing the principle that all criminal suspects must be advised of their rights before interrogation. Now considered standard police procedure, "You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can, and will, be used against you in court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford one, one will be appointed to you," has been heard so many times in television and film dramas that it has become almost cliché. We now come to the encouraging WORD for the day: "I will praise the Lord, and may everyone on earth bless his holy name forever and ever." Psalm 145:21.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Jun 2013 23:05:39 +0000

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