Today , March 18 , Vladimir Putin will deliver a message to the - TopicsExpress


Today , March 18 , Vladimir Putin will deliver a message to the Federal Assembly in the Crimea , which will focus on the situation around the Crimea. On the same day , the State Duma plans to adopt a statement on the Crimea. Today the President of the Russian Federation shall determine its position in relation to the request of the Crimea and Sevastopol to join the Russian Federation and the referendum - the speaker of the State Duma Sergei Naryshkin. Chants of Russia ! Russia ! Hall aploditruet standing anthem of Russia. 14:02 . Russian President Vladimir Putin , Chairman of the State Council of the Republic of Crimea , the Parliament of the Republic of Crimea Vladimir Konstantinov , Crimean Prime Minister Sergei Aksenov and Alexey Chaly Sevastopol mayor signed an agreement to join the Crimea to Russia and the Russian Federation as a part of education of new subjects . 13:54 . Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen ! We continue our event , please everyone take their seats . ( Everyone stood ) Voiceover: Dear members of the Federal Assembly. A few minutes later the ceremony of signing the contract. Please everyone stay in their places. (All sat ) 13:51 . Also prepared to ratify the treaty for signature on joining Crimea and Sevastopol city to the Russian Federation. I do not doubt your support. 13:51 . Deputies and members of board of the federation , the residents of the Crimea and Sevastopol , the Russian citizens , based on the results of the referendum , please consider joining Russia two subjects - Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol city ( standing ovation ) 13:50 . It is up to the political decision of Russia itself , and it can only be based on the will of the people . Because only the people is the source of all power. 13:49 . Thus , the vast majority and the Crimean and Russian citizens support reunification with Russia . (Applause.) 13:49 . Over 83 % of respondents believe that Russia should help the Crimea, even if it would complicate our relations with other countries. 86% believe the Crimea - is historically our territory . And almost 90 % sure that the Crimea should join Russia . 13:48 . Russia is also a difficult decision , given the totality of external and internal factors . In Russia, too, there are different points of view , but the position of the majority of Russian citizens is obvious. According to recent polls , about 95% of citizens believe that Russia should protect the interests of its citizens in the Crimea. 13:47 . Any other option plebiscite on the territory could be an intermediate , temporary and unsteady and have a devastating impact on the state to Crimea. Crimeans raised the issue firmly and clearly , clearly expressed their will - they want to be with Russia ! (Applause.) 13:46 . We ourselves will never seek confrontation with partners in East and West . We will strive to build good neighborly relations , as it is necessary in the modern world . Its safe to say that spending referendum Crimean authorities went over group and political interests , putting priority to the interests of people. 13:45 . I would like to know that our partners have in mind under sanctions and bad consequences . Deteriorating socio -economic situation in the country and the provocation of popular unrest ? .. We will be hard to respond to this rebuff . 13:45 . In those days we were close as ever , supported each other , it was a genuine sense of solidarity . It is in these historical turning points shown maturity nation. And the Russian people showed such maturity, supported compatriots. 13:44 . We want to see the land of Ukraine came peace and harmony , are willing to support , along with other countries , but only citizens of Ukraine are able to restore order. All Russian citizens admired Crimea and Sevastopol, your courage - that you decide the fate of the Crimea ! 13:44 . However, primarily Ukraine itself should be interested in the fact that the rights of its population were guaranteed - this is a guarantee of the territorial integrity and prosperity of the country . We have many joint projects , and we believe that we can implement them. 13:43 . Ancient Russia - our common origin , we still can not live without each other . I will say that Russia will always defend the interests of Russian citizens in Ukraine. 13:43 . We are not against cooperation with NATO, but we are opposed to a military alliance hosted outside our fence next to our house or on our historical territories. Better to let NATO soldiers come to visit us in Sevastopol , not us to them. We heart aches for all that is happening now in Ukraine, we are not just close neighbors , as one people . Kiev - mother of Russian cities . 13:42 . Otherwise, the appeal and to Ukraine and Russia , we could even lose the Crimea in the short historical perspective. In Kiev have already made a statement on NATO . In this case, in the city of military glory appeared to NATO fleet , would appear a threat to all , if not choice Crimeans . I thank them for it. 13:40 . Crimea - is our common heritage and a major factor of stability in the region. And this strategic territory should be under the sovereignty of a strong and stable , which in fact can only be Russian today. 13:39 . We do not want the division of Ukraine , we do not need . Crimea will remain Russian and Ukrainian and Crimean Tatar . It will have been for centuries , home to all the peoples living there , but it will never be the Bandera ! (Applause.) 13:39 . I am sure that you , the Germans have not forgotten , and I hope that the citizens of Germany will support Russias desire to restore the historical unity . (Applause. ) I speak also to the people of Ukraine . We in any case do not want to harm you , we respect you. We do not want the division of Ukraine , in contrast to those who brought the Ukrainian national unity to sacrifice political ambitions . 13:37 . We are grateful to everyone who came to understanding our steps in the Crimea. We are grateful to China , whose leadership considers the situation in the Crimea in the historical completeness . Grateful and India. I want to appeal to the U.S. who value freedom above all: Is the desire of the Crimean population is not as valuable? 13:36 . Our Western partners knew that and Ukraine and Crimea are millions of Russian people. How should lose political acumen , not to predict the consequences ? .. Russia was on the turn , from which could no longer retreat. Today it is necessary to stop a tantrum , refuse from the rhetoric of the cold war and to recognize that Russia has its own national interests, which should be considered and respected. (Applause.) 13:35 . There is every reason to believe that the notorious policy of containment of Russia continues today. We are trying to drive at some angle - for the fact that we are not hypocrites . But everything has its limits. In the case of Ukraine , our Western partners crossed the line . (Applause.) 13:34 . We are constantly being told - you are not concerned . Easy to say, is not concerned. So it was with the deployment of missile defense systems , and with endless negotiations on visa regime , and access to global markets. We are always being threatened with sanctions , but we already live in the constraints . 13:34 . Such a scenario has been implemented and the Ukraine. In 2003, came up with some third round , and now thrown in case an army of well-trained fighters. Understand that it was directed against Ukraine against Russia at the time, when we were truly set to dialogue with the West . We saw no reciprocal steps , we repeatedly deceived : and so it was with the eastward expansion of NATO , and the deployment of missile defense. 13:33 . So it was in Yugoslavia in 1999 . It was hard to believe, but at the end of XX century by one of the European capitals bombed , and then began an outright intervention . Was this UN resolution ? Of course not. And then there were Afghanistan, Iran, a whole series of controlled color revolutions . As a result, instead of democracy was a series of coups , chaos . Arab Spring was replaced by Arab winter. 13:32 . We are talking about some kind of intervention , aggression. But I do not recall that the intervention took place without a single shot and the victims. As reflected in the mirror of what is happening in the world today . On the planet was not stability, key institutions degraded. U.S. forces prefer to be guided by law and not international law. They believe that the right can only be they here and there to use force against weaker states , beat out the desired resolution , or even ignore the advice of the UN. 13:29 . In Crimea there were no armed conflict , and there was no casualties. Why ? Because the people and against his will to fight difficult, almost impossible . And I want to thank those soldiers Ukraine - almost 22 thousand people - who did not go to the bloodshed and not stained with the blood . (Applause.) 13:28 . Its not even a double standard , and primitive , straightforward cynicism . Can not be one and the same thing to call it white , then black. If local self-defense forces have not taken time Crimea situation under control , there would also be the victim ( Applause.) 13:28 . Have written , trumpeted to the world , all bent , and now resent - to what? (Applause.) Because of Crimeans actions clearly fit into this statement. Somehow, what can the Albanians in Kosovo can not be Russian , Ukrainians and Crimean Tatars . What is the exclusivity , we ask Western partners ? It turns out that there were many casualties. But is that a reason ? 13:27 . I do not like to refer to citations , but a written memorandum from the United States : the Declaration of Independence may violate domestic law , but this does not mean that there is a violation of international law. 13:26 . Ukraine got this right , and it denied Crimeans - why? Furthermore, Crimeans and relied on the Kosovo precedent that our Western partners have created yourself. They then confirmed that no authorization of the central authorities of the country on the territory of the department is not required. 13:26 . What did we break ? Yes , the Russian president has received from the Upper House of Parliament the right to use military force , but this right , strictly speaking, not even used . Armed forces , and so there were . Yes, we have strengthened group , but did not exceed the regular number (25 million), it was not necessary . Appointing a referendum , the Supreme Council of Crimea referred to the UN Charter on the right to self-determination. Ukraine itself textually almost did the same at the exit from the USSR. 13:25 . First of all, it was necessary to help create the conditions for free expression to Crimeans can determine your own fate - the first time in history. However, what we hear from the West, the U.S. and Europe? We are told that we are violating international law. Thank you for all of them , they remembered . Better late than never. 13:24 . Those who resisted the coup , immediately began to threaten - and the first in line was the Crimea . Residents appealed to Russia to protect them. Of course, we could not respond , could not leave people in the Crimea in trouble , otherwise it would be a betrayal . (Applause.) 13:24 . The bill was put aside , but obviously as a reserve. On its very existence is silent , but it is already clear that it is going to do the heirs of Bandera , Hitler s henchman . Ukraine not to talk to anyone , there is no legitimate authority . Even get an appointment with some current ministers who do not decide anything and do not control , we can only with permission of militants Maidana - this is no joke . 13:23 . But those who were behind the latest developments in Ukraine, pursued other objectives - preparing a coup to seize power without stopping at nothing. Top performers of the coup - nationalists russophobes anti-Semites . Primarily the new government introduced a bill to revise the language policy. It infringes on the rights of national minorities. Foreign sponsors immediately pulled them - they have something people are smart and understand the consequences of the attempt to build an ethnically pure state. 13:21 . Changed presidents, prime ministers , members of Parliament , but did not change their attitude towards the country and its people . They milked Ukraine fought for assets and financial flows , they were not interested , than live as citizens of their country. Therefore, many Ukrainians were forced to leave on day laborers work in other countries , including in Russia . Well aware of those with peaceful slogans came to the Maidan , speaking against corruption and poverty , for democratic procedures . Power to exist and that to listen to the wishes of the people. 13:20 . We expected that Ukraine will be our good neighbor that Russian citizens will live in a friendly , democratic state. But over and over again would deprive Russian historical memory , and sometimes language. Of course, Russian , like other citizens of Ukraine suffered from the political crisis that shakes the Ukraine for 20 years. They took power , has grown hateful . (Applause.) 13:19 . Today we can talk openly about the details of the negotiations beginning of the 2000s , when President Kuchma of Ukraine asked me to accelerate the work on the design boundaries. By agreeing to the delimitation , we actually and legally recognized Crimea Ukrainian territory , and went to meet Ukraine in the delineation of the Azov Sea - on a very complicated issue. What we expected then? 13:18 . Russian state - what is it? Russia lowered her head and put up , swallowed this insult . Our country could then protect their interests . But all these years, many citizens , public figures raised this issue , saying that the Crimea - Russian land Sevastoprol - Russian city . But he had to come from the new realities , to build good relations with Ukraine. Ukraine will remain a fraternal people . (Applause.) 13:16 . However , we must frankly admit that Russia itself running parade of sovereignties , promoted the disintegration of the Soviet Union . As a result, millions of people went to bed in one country and woke up on the morning of national minorities in divided Soviet republics. I heard the Crimeans themselves say that in 1991 they were transferred from hand to hand like a sack of potatoes. 13:15 . What previously seemed impossible has become a reality - the Soviet Union collapsed . It happened so quickly that few people understood the dramatic consequences. Many hoped that it will be a new general form of statehood , but it remained only a promise , a large country is not. When Crimea was in another state, Russia felt that she was robbed . 13:14 . In 1954 came the decision to transfer a part of Ukraine s Crimea region , at the same time has been transferred and Sevastopol . The initiator was Khrushchev personally . What moved Khrushchev - the desire to enlist the support Ukrainian nomenclature or something else , let versed historians . Naturally, the residents of the Crimea and Sevastopol no one asked in a totalitarian state . By and large, the decision was seen as a formality , since the territory passed under one big country , and no one could believe that the country could disintegrate . But it happened. 13:13 . There was a period when the Crimean Tatars had been taken cruel injustice. Should be taken all the decisions that complete rehabilitation of the Crimean people. (Applause.) 13:12 . We respect the people of all nationalities living in the Crimea, and would be right in the Crimea will equal three official languages - Russian , Ukrainian and Crimean Tatar . (Applause.) 13:12 . Crimea - is Malakhov Kurgan Sopun Mountain and many other symbols of Russian military glory and unprecedented valor. Crimea - a unique fusion of cultures and traditions of different peoples , and that he looks so much like Russia , where for centuries did not dissolve any ethnicity . By the way , today, more than two million people in the Crimea almost half a million - Russian . 13:10 . Need to know what it means for Russia and Crimea Crimea - Russia. In Crimea, all permeated our history and pride. Here baptized our Prince Vladimir . In Crimea, the graves of Russian soldiers , whose courage Crimea was taken into the Russian state. Crimea - is Sevastopol , home of the Black Sea Fleet . 13:08 . Good afternoon, dear citizens of Russia, Crimea and Sevastopol ! (All long standing ovation . ) Today we have gathered on an issue that is of vital importance and historical significance for all of us . The referendum was held on March 16 in full compliance with democratic procedures and rules of international law . More than 96 % of the population were in favor of annexation of the Crimea - a convincing result.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 17:47:38 +0000

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