Today Study, SIGNS AND WONDERS . Text: Isaiah 7:14 “Therefore - TopicsExpress


Today Study, SIGNS AND WONDERS . Text: Isaiah 7:14 “Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.” What is a sign? A sign is an evidence that what you claim to be is true. Pharaoh said in Exodus 5:1-2 that he didn’t know who God was and He wouldn’t let Israel go but in Exodus 12:29-32 , after God had shown Pharaoh a sign, He begged Israel to go. All the Pharaoh who said you will not go , God will show them a sign in Jesus name.Amen! Also in Daniel 3:14-15, Nebuchadnezzar said if the three hebrew boys did not bow down to his image, he will throw them into the fiery furnace and see which God will deliver them but in Daniel 3:24-29 after God showed him a sign, this same Nebuchadnezzar said there was no other God apart from the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. As God lives, before the end of the month, those who are asking “where is your God?” will begin to say “there is no God like your God” in Jesus name. Amen What is wonder? Someone once said a wonder is that thing that happens that makes you wonder. A wonder is a miracle so big that makes your mouth fall open involuntarily when it happens. In Acts 3:1-10 when the man who has been lame for 40 yrs suddenly began to walk, leap and praise God, everybody in the church began to look at him in amazement. When God said He will give a sign and that a virgin will give birth to a son, He was indirectly saying He would make the impossible become possible! By the grace of God, all the things that seem impossible in your life will become possible in Jesus name.Amen. A virgin conceiving was very unscientific and that story still doesn’t go down well with science and medicine but our God can do wonders that surpass science. When God said to Abraham in Gen 18:9-14 that a 90yrs old woman would have a son, Sarah laughed because deep inside her she thought that would be impossible but when our God hears the word impossible, He is eager to do something! Whenever someone tells you your case is impossible, begin to rejoice because there is a God who can make the impossible possible. There are 3 aspects of a man’s life (1) Physical aspect (2) Social aspect (3) Spiritual aspects If you trust God in all these areas of your life and exercise faith, you’ll begin to experience signs and wonders. The social aspect of a man includes his social status, financial capability, material wealth and possessions. In making a virgin conceive, God is showing that He is capable of bringing something out of nothing. There is a God who can bring water out of rocks according to Exo 17:1-6, He is the same God who can take the little you have and turn it plenty. Do you have a financial problem? Do you believe this God can solve your problem? If you believe, be it unto you according to your faith. Almost every thing we do is controlled in the spiritual. Before anything happens in the physical, it happens in the spiritual! Before calamity fell upon Job, something happened in the spiritual, God and the devil had had a conversation. A blessing is a spiritual force, when people bless you, they are sending help your way in the spiritual realm. Just as a blessing is a spiritual force, a curse is also a spiritual force. The God who can make the barren conceive has the spiritual ability to control all things. Do you believe that whatever your spiritual problem the God of wonders can heal you? If yes, be it unto you according to your faith! Amen. In Luke 1:31-37, When the angel told Mary she was the one God had revealed a long time ago to Isaiah and that even though she was a virgin she would have a son, Mary asked the angel how it would be fulfilled because she didnt understand how it would happen . There are certain things that when God says He will do , you will be so overwhelmed wondering how God will make it happen but the bible tells us it is not by power nor by might but by the spirit of the Lord. The spirit of God will work wonders in your life in Jesus name, amen. Who Qualifies for signs and wonders? Mary was a virgin not a harlot, she was pure and holy. People like Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego who experienced signs and wonders kept themselves pure. HOLINESS IS THE MASTER KEY TO SIGNS AND WONDERS. Only those who live a holy and pure life will qualify for signs and wonders. If you arel iving in sin, you cannot experience signs and wonders. Isaiah 59:1-2 says “Behold, the LORDs hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; neither his ear heavy, that it cannot hear:But your iniquities hahave separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid his face from you, that he will not hear.” So if you are still living in sin, confess your sins to God, ask for mercy, give your life to Jesus and He will turn your life. Prayer Points 1. Praise God because you are able to make it tonight 2. Father, please perform a wonder in my body so that i will never be sick again 3. Father, perform a wonder in my marriage so that it will become a model for others to copy 4. Father, perform a wonder in my family so that we will never know sorrow again 5. Father, perform a wonder in my finances so that i will soon be lending to nations 6. Father, anoint me so heavily so when evil forces see me coming they will run 7. Father, any evil left in this year, keep it far from my home 8. Father any signs and wonders left in this year, send them to my home 9. Father before the year ends, let my testimonies be complete and perfect 10. Father, forever let me be a channel of blessings JOIN Our Page By Clicking -Like- If You havent done that before to receive daily update, Bringing you inspiration, wisdom, words of God, insight, understanding, sermon, daily devotional, You Will get all By God Grace! GOD BLESS HIS WORDS INTO YOUR HEART IN JESUS NAME AMEN. #JESUSTEAMEVANGE LISM
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 13:13:56 +0000

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