Today, a lot of my friends are celebrating the life of someone who - TopicsExpress


Today, a lot of my friends are celebrating the life of someone who took his own last week. Given that mental health needs to be talked about more to desensitize the stigma attached to it, Ive decided to talk about it and share my own experience and opinions. I didnt know Leem, but friends of mine who I hold in high regard have said nothing but good things about him. I hope he has found his peace. When the word suicide is mentioned, people who are lucky enough to have little or no insight into the state of mind of someone considering it as their only option left available to them can say insentitive things which demonstrate their lack of understanding. Ive had a rough ride this year, which is slowly levelling out, but Ive certainly been in states of mind where the thought of stopping how I was feeling at any cost has fleeted across my mind for a couple of seconds. If suicide was a black hole, Ive not been close to it, but Ive seen it, and its a scary thing to find in your own mind. Its something that you hope you never get closer to, but when youre feeling at your lowest and your head is playing tricks on you, it can look comforting, calm and serene in certain situations. People say suicide is selfish because you arent considering the people around you if you commit suicide. Most people around you however, dont know what its like to have the black hole crossing your mind, stuck somewhere in your mind, or consuming you, so Id say that its also selfish of the people around someone to think of themselves and their loss and grief as a priority over the hurt that someone must feel in their heart to make their final decision and pick their last minute on Earth. I think Mental Health needs to be as ok to talk about in society as a sore knee or a cold. People need to feel safe in society and that its okay to experience mental health issues, because it IS perfectly normal, and more people than you know will experience something at some point in their lives. If this change in society happens, the people who are orbiting towards a black hole can feel safe enough to try to change their direction and break their orbit earlier, shout for help, and know that they arent going to be shunned or made to feel alien for being helped out of a black hole. I think mental health should be explored more in schools, and talked about more by parents. I think talking about these kinds of things and making society more educated, aware and tolerant will mean less of these tragedies will happen. I didnt know you, but you mattered to who matters to me. Rest In Peace Leem
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 15:05:01 +0000

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