Today as 2014 comes to an end, I look back and reminisce about all - TopicsExpress


Today as 2014 comes to an end, I look back and reminisce about all my family and friends. This is a time of joy and sorrows, pain of yesterdays and hopes for tomorrows. Memories are the only thing that stands the test of time, you carry them with you, until you cross the line. As I dwell among of the numerous thoughts, I find areas that may have been left undone. It is these that are needed to be put to rest, because I may not have done my best. When I bring them back up again , I will go to the source of my strength and ask for HIS help ,because HE is the ONE. I CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST JESUS WHO STRENGHTENS ME,GODs Only SON. [Phillipians 4:13] It does not matter how much money you hold, if you do not listen to GOD and do as You are TOLD. HE is A FATHER who LOVES HIS CHILDREN Here Below and HE WILL NEVER LEAVE THEM OR LET THEM GO . We all make New Year’s Resolutions that we don’t ever Keep. We need to go to GOD and ask what we need to do , To help others to be able to see HIM , and to Feed HIS Sheep. If we Keep our minds focused on GOD , He will Lead Us and Guide US to HIS GREAT LOVE. Our Needs will be Met from HEAVEN ABOVE. I Believe this , “look at the children of Israel, they walked in the Wilderness forty years without even a store. They never went hungry or needed more. GOD Provided Manna from up, Above He Proved to them HIS GREAT LOVE.” I think HE STILL has the POWER WITHIN HIS HAND , to meet all of our Needs and Life’s Demands. So Today, as you Think of the OLD and Bring in the NEW, Let GOD’s SPIRIT RENEW. [Romans 12] So we won’t leave behind any “Unfinished Task” , and We can say That we have done things that Will Last.
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 18:59:48 +0000

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