Today, as I say my prayers for the veterans serving near and far, - TopicsExpress


Today, as I say my prayers for the veterans serving near and far, retired and for those who are recovering from injuries and illnesses due to their willingness to place country before self I also find myself reflecting on miracles. Because of generations of men and women willing to serve and sacrifice I enjoy the freedom of speech. That is a miracle. Because of generations of soldiers who have chosen to serve I experience the miracle of being able to live and profess my faith without penalty. I am permitted to live as a single woman and not be arrested. Im able to wear the clothes I want and not be jailed. Im permitted to work a full time job and receive my paycheck. Im able to be friends with people of all different races & walks of life... these are all miracles I do not take for granted. A friend of mine stressed last week, None of us live in a vacuum. We all have the opportunity to impact one anothers lives. Vincent Green I totally agree with Vincent! Soldiers for generations have impacted our lives! Today, I find myself missing my Great Uncle Emmet, my Great Aunt Anne, Great Uncle Lee, Grandpa Howard, Grandpa Fred & Judge - I knew them all and they all served during WWII. I reflect on the stories & re-read the poetry my Great Grandfather Poppy wrote to my Great Grandmother Mimmie during WWI. She kept his memories alive by telling me his stories. I rejoice that I still have my Uncle Al who served in the late 60s early 70s. Im thankful for all of their years of service. I also reflect on my friends who have and are serving. Thank you. To your families and extended family members who go with you in spirit and often sacrifice too, thank you. Then there are my university students. You have trusted me with your stories, your tears and your victories. I have such admiration for you as I see you succeed and pursue your personal dreams after serving and giving of yourself selflessly keeping the miracles and dreams alive for future generations. My heart is full of admiration, thanksgiving and love. Thank you does not seem to be enough. Dear Fallen Soldiers, you are not forgotten. Nor are your families. You made the ultimate sacrifice. Humbly & respectfully, thank you. My prayers are with you Veterans!
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 23:40:32 +0000

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