Today at work, a co-worker asked me if the father of my child paid - TopicsExpress


Today at work, a co-worker asked me if the father of my child paid child support. I said, Of course he does, do you? He chuckled and replied, Hell no, I dont...that woman aint gettin nothin from me. I stared at him with a puzzled look on my face and said, You say that like youre proud of the fact. I have no respect for a man that can make a child but not care for one. He then continued to make assumptions about my life based upon my skin color and the way I dress. Here was my sermon: Do not assume you know me or my life based upon my pretty face and my nice clothes. I remember all too well the income based housing I grew up in; I remember the black screens on the windows and doors and the cold tile floors my feet touched every morning when I woke up every morning to dress for school in the clothes from donations and lay-away. I remember the fridge and pantry shelves lined with off-brand items purchased with food stamps. I remember the nights my mother came home late from working double shifts at the factory. I remember each and every old beater car we had. I remember free lunches at school and the free lunches they gave away at the park across the street when it was summer and the school couldnt feed us. I remember being made fun of because my clothes were outdated and being herded into a certain group of friends based on social class. I remember all the things my mother, brother and I had to sacrifice because one man didnt care enough to help - not only the material things like new clothes and shoes and decent transportation but time - all of the time we lost as a family because my mother had to work those late hours and pick up those extra shifts to make sure my brother and I had food in our bellies and clothes to wear. So, get out of my face with every line of bullshit that is spewing from your mouth and take care of your child before she too realizes what a worthless human being you are, before one day she has kids of her own and they never know you existed. Or do you even care?
Posted on: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 21:18:53 +0000

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