Today has been one of my toughest days ever. Follow pictures - TopicsExpress


Today has been one of my toughest days ever. Follow pictures sequentially & Ill tell the story.... Yesterday, I lost Pierre (black/white pinto)... In the middle is his pasture mate (Romeo)... I dont have the physical strength to move a horse & after losing one, its beyond incredibly difficult to think clearly on how to handle in a short amount of time. So today I saddled up Ole Cowboy to move Pierre to his grave. Romeo was standing over him (guarding him from the dogs). He was licking Pierre, pawing at him.... Trying to awake him from his sleep, but Pierre will never wake up for he is in heaven now. I swear Romeo had tears. Look at his blue eyes in the picture below, they are full of sadness. Anyway, using your favorite horse to move your dead mini is the HARDEST thing one will EVER endure... Whoever said cowgirls dont cry LIED. I decided to move Romeo to another pasture, so he could grieve properly.... The only other area I have that is secure is our ATTEMPT at a garden this Spring. It was pitiful to say the least. We hadnt tended to it in a very long time. It was over run with weeds, sticks & such. It needed to be cleaned up before it was horse friendly. I moved a VERY heavy watering container uphill, cleaned up Romeos temporary pasture..... Tears streaming down my face the entire time. He is whinyyyyy-ing/whinnnieee-ing (not sure how to spell it, horse folks know) like crazy. Sounds like hes screaming for his pasture mate...... Heartbreaking, gut wrenching pain... I felt his pain.... Hes SO sad. I loved on Romeo so much, but there is only so much you can do to comfort one whos lost their best friend.
Posted on: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 18:30:14 +0000

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