Today has probably been one of Jaks best days to date:) his - TopicsExpress


Today has probably been one of Jaks best days to date:) his amazing Dr appeared at 8am while we were both still sleeping and checked him over. She was delighted to find a lot of the fluid had cleared overnight ( we guessed that as I lost count of comfort breaks and sick bowls) and his temperature given it had been 41.7 the night before was down at 38.4 so she took the decision that no chest drain was required:) His temperature has remained much lower throughout today- its still up but much lower than it has been for almost 2 weeks:) His body and walking is getting stronger every day and he managed to get to his shower chair in a whizz with very little help from the physio or nurse today:) Please pray that this progress continues as we have learned not to become complacent as often when one problem rectifies another appears- but thats fine as slowly and steadily Jak will overcome these hurdles - he is just amazing and folks coming in today said they saw a huge difference in him:) Please pray specifically that the fluid and any bad cells in his chest disappear completely. Please also pray that the sickness stops for a bit before chemo starts and that his tummy begins to tolerate food once more- its really been 7 weeks since Jak has eaten anything properly now! Please pray that the clot in his arm dissipates with the injections and that his legs back and arms continue to get stronger and stronger:) He has set himself a very special goal for a week on Monday for something very special for his Granma and Grandad and knowing Jak if he can do it he will;) Please pray most importantly for skill with the doctors in prescribing his cocktail of chemo for this week- pray that they have chosen the right mix to zap and completely destroy the remaining cells and any new ones arising with next weeks chemo. Please pray for the Pharmacists as they prepare the chemo and for the nurses as they administer it. Please give thanks for the amazing progress made so far and the outstanding team of people looking after my amazing boy:) Its now 5 weeks since we went to out of hours and were admitted-I still waken every morning hoping it was a bad dream- but God has, along with the support of our fab family and friends and friends we dont even know who are supporting us, given us all the grace and strength to carry on each day on this the craziest roller coaster ride ever!! Tomorrow Jak is challenging his Uncle Dave to a game of FIFA 15 while Aimie and I go to the cinema to see a live stream of Billy Elliot and we are very excited:) Heres to a good night with some sleep:) have a great Saturday night :) xxx
Posted on: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 20:44:56 +0000

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