Today i read all of the racist comments towards Sebastian, and - TopicsExpress


Today i read all of the racist comments towards Sebastian, and makes me think about all of the racism that is still in our times. One thing that I cannot stand is that the people that are saying that he is not from here should also check their background, only if the are Native American they should have the right to complain. Also if any one says that you have to speak English to be a true American, should think twice about it because English language is from England not from America. People forget that this country is made out of immigrants. Last if anyone gets offended because a Mexican American sang the national anthem, then they should also complain when Celine dion, Justin biener (who are Canadians), beyonce (African American), etc... Sing the national anthem. People need to be more open minded and remember that at the end we are all immigrants in this country. At the end, Sebastian is a talented boy who is doing so many things that musicians wish had the opportunity to perform at.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Jun 2013 00:35:50 +0000

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