Today, in Tree Top Environmental News, in solidarity with this - TopicsExpress


Today, in Tree Top Environmental News, in solidarity with this weeks March Against Monsanto actions which took place around the world, we’d like to take the opportunity to focus our attention on how Monsanto and the biotech seed companies are wreaking havoc around the globe. As many of you know, GMO technology extends far beyond just corn and soy, and with the introduction of genetically engineered trees, genetically engineered animals through recombinant DNA technology and the devastation of farmers livelihoods around the globe, companies who profit from such horrific activities have much to gain from keeping the public in the dark. To add to the list of environmental affronts, a deadly new alliance has been made between Monsanto and Scotts Lawn Company, who have teamed up to begin marketing the first genetically engineered grass intended for consumer and commercial use. Scotts’ unregulated Roundup-Ready Kentucky Bluegrass is being genetically engineered to withstand massive amounts of Monsanto’s Roundup Herbicide and they will be allowed to market the grass without any GMO labeling or testing. What’s frightening is that the grass threatens to contaminate open spaces everywhere due to the ease with which bluegrass naturally spreads. This endangers everything. No studies are done on the impact on birds or animals who encounter GMO grass or the potential chain reaction that the technology may unleash. It also threatens choice. One example being that the grass would threaten farmers who wish to raise organic, grass-fed animals as the GMO variety would easily contaminate such spaces, as we’ve seen with organic corn. In July 2011, the two companies convinced the USDA to give them a free pass to develop the GE grass without testing for health hazards, their motive being a new market opportunity for Roundup sales reaching upwards of 500 million dollars. Yet, Glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup herbicide, has been described by researchers as “the most biologically disruptive chemical in our environment” and has been linked to a litany of health disorders and disease including birth defects, cancer, Parkinson’s and autism. This is just one example of thousands. None of the GMO’s introduced to the market have been through long term studies so we have no idea how deadly or destructive the consequences may be. In fact, Monsanto has legal authority to restrict independent scientists from studying GMO seeds and they use their corporate power to sue scientists who question the safety of the seeds on the basis of “patent infringement.” We are the test subjects. Unfortunately, the lobbying power of these companies is just business as usual. Monsanto and Scotts are both members of the Grocery Manufacturers Association, or GMA, which has spent millions to defeat legislation for GMO bans and labeling laws in the U.S. and have filed a lawsuit against Vermont to overturn its recently passed law requiring mandatory labeling of GMOs. The multi-billion dollar lobbying company boasts over 300 powerful corporate members including DOW Chemical, Coca-cola, PepsiCo, General Mills, Nestle, Kelloggs and ConAgra. As we speak, GMA is currently pushing a bill in Congress, called the “Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act of 2014” which would make it illegal for states to pass GMO labeling laws. The United States is one of the only industrialized nations that doesn’t require genetically engineered foods to be labeled. While the debate for organic may often be considered a frivolous issue, it’s much more complex than just consumer rights. A lot more is at stake, for the reality is that corporations now dominate the world’s food supply and the monopolization of global seed supply has created millions of indebted farmers, mostly in developing nations, with no way out. The “big four” biotech seed companies—Monsanto, DuPont/Pioneer Hi-Bred, Syngenta, and Dow AgroSciences—own 80% of the US corn market and 70% of the soybean business. 13.3 million farmers across the globe have become dependent on these biotech seeds. The industry domination is aided by trade laws that favor corporations, weak antitrust law enforcement, and court decisions that allowed GMO crops and other plant materials to be patented, thus prohibiting the farmers from saving their seeds. Thousands of farmers have gone bankrupt as a direct consequence of having an accidental presence (caused by wind dispersal/spilt seed/cross contamination, etc.) of GMO crops on their farms and yet instead of being held responsible, Monsanto will often sue these farmers for “stealing” their “intellectual property”. In the Philippines, the cost of corn seeds has risen by 282% from its introductory price and yet small-holding farmers are left with no choice but to purchase these toxic seeds and end up in debt because the seed suppliers are also the lenders. In India, 16,000 farmers committed suicide in 2004 as a direct result of GMO seeds that failed and drove them into bankruptcy. According to India’s National Crime Bureau, over 30,000 farmers have committed suicide as a direct result of their livelihoods being stolen from Monsanto and Syngenta’s corporate dominance. If you want to learn more about the GMO issue, we hope you’ll take a look at some of the resources on our facebook page. Knowledge is power and the more we learn about what’s happening behind closed doors the better chance we have to fight for our future and the health of the planet. Stay strong! How to Boycott GMA Corporations More info on GMA Infographic of GMO Companies Organic Consumers Association The Monsanto Monopoly March Against Monsanto Seed Freedom Sustainable Table Environmental Commons Take Action against GE grass here!
Posted on: Fri, 30 May 2014 22:03:33 +0000

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