Today is 18 years ago since my brother passed away and tomorrow - TopicsExpress


Today is 18 years ago since my brother passed away and tomorrow will be 16 years since my father passed away. They both died of cancer. Of cause our family were devastated when we learned they both had cancer. Our family were living a green sustainable living when I was growing up. We lived in harmony with the earth. We grew all that we ate. We pickled, froze, juiced and made preserves. Many fruits and vegetables were stored in the root cellar so that we had fruits and vegetables to eat all winter. I didn’t even know there was anything other kind of producers than organic till I moved to the US. This way of living changed for both my brother and father about the time that I moved to England. So after they were diagnosed with cancer my mother and I fully expected that they would look to the natural way of healing, using herbs, vegetables, fruits and positive thoughts as it is intended for us humans to live. In short get rid of all toxins that are man-made. This is called “the alternative way” in the US, to me this should be called the traditional way as it came before toxic chemical concoctions were created and put in all consumer goods. We were shocked when they both chose to go the man-made way of healing (called “the traditional way” in the US). We loved them both unconditionally and supported them in their choice even though we didn’t agree with their choice. Their choice did turn out fatal, in a very short time. This made me become very passionate about green living, natural prevention and natural healing. I went organic and toxic free in all ways I was aware of. It became my mission to educate, help and support people to live a healthier life in all ways. Bob Proctors taught me about the 6 pillars of health and today that is what I live by, teach and preach. Every year these two days, are days of reflection for me. I look back to see if I am still living and doing what I set out to do. Today, I am so proud to say that I am associated with a company that have the same passion for green, sustainable, organic and toxic free living as I do. This company, with the amazing corporate team, is helping me every day to live my passion and help the world around me, live as we were intended to live. I am grateful to my brother and father. They helped me find a mission, passion and purpose in life. They paid with pain, suffering and their life to help me grow beyond what I had imagined possible. I feel so blessed that I am living and can bring the message of green, organic and toxic free living to all that wants to hear about it. Thank you Flemming Bjerre Larsen and Poul Bjerre Brahe....may you both rest in peace. I love you!!! Thank you Essante Organics!
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 17:46:00 +0000

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