Today is the first day of the CHOGM meet in Colombo; the PM sent a - TopicsExpress


Today is the first day of the CHOGM meet in Colombo; the PM sent a very wrong signal by bowing to pressure from parties like DMK, who claim to represent TAMILS but have a poor understanding of either the history & culture of Tamilians or of the Sinhalese, or of the INDIAN SUBCONTINENT, a history written by the British who imagined the Aryan- Dravidian divide. Both the TAMILIANS and SINHALESE are of INDIAN ORIGIN, the Sinhalese migrated from the regions of what was then known as Magadha, Kalinga and Banga desh, for hundreds of years Sinhalese and Tamilians lived peacefully. Buddhism and Hinduism are SISTER RELIGIONS, a statement made by one of the foremost Buddhist icons the DALAI LAMA. The word SRI in SRI LANKA refers to LORD VISHNU. The British had named it CEYLON. Both TAMIL CHAUVINISM and SINHALA CHAUVINISM are EQUALLY BAD. When we talk about WAR CRIMES, lets remember WAR ITSELF is a CRIME. Atrocities on civilians, both Sinhalese and Tamilian , have been committed by both the LTTE as well as the Sri Lankan army. While the GUILTY on both sides need to be PUNISHED, two communities cant be in a PERPETUAL state of war. So, todays menu is a fusion : Tamilian Brinjal Curry served with Kaha Bhat a Sinhalese Dish- Hope they live in peace.
Posted on: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 08:12:04 +0000

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