Today is the last of the “H” words we’ve been looking at the - TopicsExpress


Today is the last of the “H” words we’ve been looking at the few days. Theyre all important to our walk as Children of God and I hope you will have gained some insight into your own walk and how you can make it even more exciting than it is now. We’ve already went over the we should be “Harmless” so that no one is ever hurt by our words and actions, we should be “Honest” so that no one ever has to question whether or not were telling the truth, we should be “Humble” as Christ was humble, submitting ourselves to God’s will and truth in all things and we should be “Holy”, set apart, fully aware that our “Holiness” comes from God and that we can only be made holy by God consecrating us. The final “H” word is “Happy”. Happiness can be infectious. When you meet someone who is really happy and is always smiling how do you react to them? I think most of the time it’s very hard to meet these people without smiling ourselves. As we grow and mature in Christ we reach a higher level of happiness that is unknown in the world without Christ. The world’s happiness is usually very short lived and extremely shallow. It’s very often built on things we get, or places we go. The closest the world has to it is the happiness that comes from family and without Christ, and even that is not enough for us. I wish I had some kind of magic wand for you this morning to make you happy, but I don’t. However, I do have the recipe and will be glad to give it to you. In the “Sermon on the Mount” (Matthew 5-7) Jesus gives us a formula for Christian happiness. Theres not enough room for me to put it all in here so check it ou when you get a little time. It will very often require some adjustments in your lifestyle and in your way of thinking. It’s a growing process. Study these 3 chapters in Matthew. Make them your own. A study into the “Sermon on the Mount” is a journey of self-reflection, and should not be taken lightly. You will find treasure in it that no man can put a value on. Don’t rush through it. Take your time and soak it in. Stop and consider the words that God has given us. Look at your life through them. True happiness comes for the Child of God by being in line with the will of God. NOTHING else will ever be able to fill that void in you except God. I’ve said it before but saying it again can’t hurt: You are a work in progress and are fearfully and wonderfully made by God, in His own image. He made you exactly the way He wanted you. I don’t care what the world may tell you, you are beautiful in His eyes. You are everything to Him and loving you is His number one priority. When someone loves you like that, how can you help but be happy, right? So that’s the last of this rant of mine of the 5 “H”s. So one more short review… A Child of the Living and Loving God that I know, my Jesus is… Harmless Honest Humble Holy Honest These are the characteristics of Christ. I know He was perfect and you might be thinking something like “I’m not Jesus. I won’t ever be able to be these things.” On your own, you would be correct but you’re NOT on your own. You are indwelt by the Spirit of God, the Creator, the one who everything you have ever done or will do and still loves you more than anything. So, be nice to each other, smile at people and let the light of Christ shine through you into someone else’s darkness and finally remember this… “This is a day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.” (Psalm 118:24) I love you.
Posted on: Mon, 25 Nov 2013 12:12:34 +0000

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