is true, Martha Stanley gave birth to her first - TopicsExpress

   is true, Martha Stanley gave birth to her first daughter. In 1964, during a time when life was so uncertain for her. She chose to bring another life into the world. Despite her struggle at that time,,,she decided to deliver the baby and keep that baby. She had offers to give her up, to allow others who seemed to have more resources to raise her, but Martha Stanley decided to keep her little girl. I am so glad she did. Today, I am she, A CERTAIN woman on a CERTAIN journey and enjoying the trip. Reaching a milestone today...I stand in awe of an amazing soul lover who does all things well. I was given a gift at birth, or maybe before then to write(right) words essential for life and living. Today, I embrace the woman I have become, I acknowledge every single person who was created to make me that woman. I acknowledge with thanksgiving my natural bloodline, from the loins of Caston Stanley and the womb of Martha Stanley and the heart of an incredible God, I came. Today...Forty-nine years later I celebrate all the lessons, all the struggles, all the blessings, all the miracles that I have experienced and those to come and graciously, humbly say Thank you God!!!! He allowed every single piece of this journey to create me, A CERTAIN Woman. I am she!!!!!
Posted on: Sun, 24 Nov 2013 13:52:30 +0000

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