Today morning I met a friend of mine at Kay&Gee when I had gone to - TopicsExpress


Today morning I met a friend of mine at Kay&Gee when I had gone to have breakfast. We talked about a number of things but one thing that touched me so much was when she said that “Stresser I gave up on love because love hurts and it’s a waste of time.” I looked into her teary eyes and I became speechless for a moment. She asked me “Why that weird look and silence?” I took a deep breath and I told her that I was reminiscing about my love affairs ever since I started the game of dating. She added on “I no longer believe in love because people are not trust worthy and appreciative at all.” Basing on her words and the tone of her voice it came to my understanding that she had been through bad relationships in her past that gave her a negative thinking about love and relationships. Well, I think that’s normal because many people have the same thinking depending on what they have been through. But I don’t think its love that hurts us, but loving the wrong people in the right time. You know when you have too much love for someone sometimes you get blind to see the obvious things. You resist your heart to accept the truth that you are with a wrong person and you are being played & used. You look at the signs but you take them for granted. You console yourself that maybe they will change as time goes on but the more time you get to be with them the more they show you their true colors. Innocently you continue unmasking your heart for them, you give them all your love and care, you draw plans for the future with them and by the time you get to realize that you are wasting your time and dealing with a wrong person, it’s already late and you are so heart broken. Yeah, such an instance has ever happened to me. So far now two times in my life and I know how it hurts. All in all, be careful with your heart. Don’t completely trust someone. Love with your heart but don’t leave all your senses behind. Use your brain. Observe the signs very well and act open them. Don’t be in a relationship because of the history you have with someone, be in a relationship because it makes you happy and feel loved. Stop settling for less than what you deserve. If someone doesnt treat you right, takes your love and care for granted, you can walk away. I know it’s not that simple like the way it sounds but if it’s the only option left to save your heart you got to get yourself together and do it. Otherwise, if you happy in love with someone thank God for that and cherish every moment you spend together. Stick with each other and do your best to make your relationship work because its very hard to find true love in this world. And if you are brokenhearted or single, just know thats not the end of your life. Youll heal and find someone better. Blessings,
Posted on: Sat, 17 Jan 2015 20:06:03 +0000

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