Today on The JJ McCartney Show, its open lines, and lots of news - TopicsExpress


Today on The JJ McCartney Show, its open lines, and lots of news to reflect on over the weekend. Stories we are working n include: Retired four-star admiral and former commander of the Pacific Fleet James Lyons reveals that Barack Obama premeditatively conspired with Americas enemies to have Ambassador Chris Stevens kidnapped, with the intention of swapping the blind sheik in return for the safe return of Stevens, right before the 2012 presidential election. The UN has once again sounded the global warming alarm, and like Pavlovs dumbest dog, Secy of State John Kerry is in full sycophant mode, bowing and scraping to the UN as though it were Mount Sinai passing global warming rhetoric carved on stone tablets. Former Nebraska senator Bob Kerrey is now blasting Obama and the democrats as liars who are delusional about Obamacare and a good many other things. And a report by Fox News indicates Common Core could be the driving force that sweeps many incumbent democrats out of both the house and the senate. Breaking down the demographics and revealing the palpable anger over Common Core. All the news, plus your phone calls TODAY on The JJ McCartney Show, which starts at 3PM Eastern time, conveniently right after The Rush Limbaugh Show at: jjmccartney
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 21:14:51 +0000

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