Today on the Daily Load, I was in a dinner yesterday and overheard - TopicsExpress


Today on the Daily Load, I was in a dinner yesterday and overheard people complaining about Obama. One person asked another how this country ever got in this shape? Thats easy to figure out. The people who vote brought us to where we are now. The people who could have voted, but didnt bother, allowed the voters to bring this country to where it is now. Most Republicans, and even some Democrats dont care for the way the President is doing his job. I suggest that if the middle class working people want to control this country, then they should try to educate themselves about whats going on in this country and why. Then when the next election comes around, they should get up off the couch and go vote for the people they think represents them the most. Its amazing to me that people have time to watch TV shows that will do nothing for them, and then claim they dont have time for politics. I dont understand how American Idol is helping us at all! Why would anyone care who wins, unless one of the contestants is your kid! Same for sports. It matters none to me whether the Cowboys win or lose. Either way, Im no better or worse off. If people work toward a better life, they will probably have it! If people chose to sit idle while other people run their life for them, then they deserve whatever they get! Socialism has never worked to anyones satisfaction that I know of. Theres no reason to think it will work in the United States either.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 11:45:56 +0000

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