Today our branch president gave us some practical ways to improve - TopicsExpress


Today our branch president gave us some practical ways to improve our love, unity, and forgiveness. I will focus on how we can forgive others and ourselves. We read Moroni chapter 6 verses 5-6: 5 And the church did meet together oft, to fast and to pray, and to speak one with another concerning the welfare of their souls. 6 And they did meet together oft to partake of bread and wine, in remembrance of the Lord Jesus. Here are the steps he counseled us on: 1. Keep track of your own sacrament attendance- You cannot always control what others do, and sometimes they will hurt you. But when you focus on improving yourself and partaking of the sacrament weekly, your ability to forgive those that have wronged you will improve. 2. Prepare to meet together oft- Come to church with a repentant heart. Knowing that you are not perfect and neither is the person that may have wronged you. Either way: YOU ALL NEED TO BE AT CHURCH! When you prepare by pre-studying the lessons, you will again be focused on bettering yourself. When you do that The Lord will strengthen you and you will over come the temptations of the devil. 3. LISTEN!- Why did that someone hurt you? What was their thinking, as Elder W. Craig Zwick of the 70 says. Did they realize they were harming you? Maybe it was a miss communication. Either way, when you listen to what they say, they will listen to what you say and then you can help them see where you are coming from. OPEN COMMUNICATION is the safest route to avoid harm. 4. Participate- Every step you take in the right direction will soften your heart. Participating, adding your thoughts, listening, and FOLLOWING the commitments of your teachers will help you feel the power of the atonement and you will feel forgiveness enter your heart and charity will fill your bosom. As well as when you participate in the sacrament weekly the atonement will begin to take full affect in your life and you will become stronger and more capable of enduring pain as the Savior is constantly by your side. I testify of the importance of forgiveness. When you are weighed down by pain and sorrow it is hard to achieve anything. When someone wrongs you it does hurt, but there is peace provided. Through the power of the atonement you can overcome hurt and strengthen relationships! WILL YOU actively take part in one of these 4 steps for the next week? I know they will help! I will try one as well. And we can follow up with each other next Sunday. If you need helping forgiving someone, message me! I would love to help you over come any struggle you are working on. I love my Savior, Jesus Christ, and it is through Him that I have found forgiveness for myself! It is through His words in the Book of Mormon that I have been able to forgive others as well as myself. And I know the same gift is promised to you. I testify of this in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Posted on: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 21:55:59 +0000

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