Today was really annoying. An annoying day at work. Computer - TopicsExpress


Today was really annoying. An annoying day at work. Computer crashes, weird issues, cranky customers - the works. And as I was going to bike ride home, my brain was in oh for Gods sake, why didnt I bring the damn car today? mode. I started to draft a rant-y blog post about body image issues, fat shaming, and skinny shaming - because I read a few articles today that had it forefront in my mind. As Im leaving the office, this guy is coming into the building at the same time, and his eyes light up at my bike and attire. He holds the door for me then says, I commute too!. He motions to my bike to indicate thats what he means. I can see genuine excitement in his eyes - hes just happy hes met someone who bikes without the spandex biking gear, and a racing bike. In his eyes, Im a *commuter* just like him, in my jeans and my t-shirt with my stuff strapped to the back of the bike for safe keeping, and my white helmet. Its great isnt it? A nice way to get around, and I feel Im not as road-rage while Im on the bike, I respond. Totally! Do you go far? Nope, 2.5 miles. Perfect distance! Well, stay safe out there, and have a nice ride, he says, waving. You too! With that, I climb on the back of my bike, and head off toward home. Im kinda hungry, my legs hurt from the effort of getting up the overpass at the very start of my ride, and the annoyance is starting to creep back into my blood from the long day at work. Coyote apparently decided that I needed another reminder. I get to the last stretch, a downhill run down Buffalo which is a nice, easy ride. Three teenagers are walking on the sidewalk on my side of the street. The one closest to me holds out his hand for a high five. As Im biking past him, he high fives me. Ive got Linkin Park blaring in my ears, so I have no idea what he said, but he shouted something that sounded like Get it, Girl! I started to laugh. At this point, I realized that Coyote was trying to remind me that there is still cool in the world. That doing something I love is more important than anything else, and that I really do love riding my bike. I dont do it to look prettier. I do it because its relaxing, and I like feeling my heart rate rise. I do it for the wind on my face and the sun on my shoulders. I do it because it gives me plenty of time to be relaxed and happy by the time I get home. And I almost forgot that today. So, thanks Coyote - I almost missed your first message, but I got the second one loud and clear. Ill be riding my bike tomorrow.
Posted on: Wed, 09 Apr 2014 01:50:27 +0000

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