Today we are joined by Lola Berry to start off our week! Over to - TopicsExpress


Today we are joined by Lola Berry to start off our week! Over to you Lola! For me being healthy is all about showing up and simply being the best version of yourself. I feel like we place loads of pressure on ourselves when it comes to food and health and at the end of the day food is here to both nourish you and share with those you love. The best bit is you get to choose, every single day, every time you eat you are making a choice as to how you want to nourish yourself, the power is totally in your hands. I took me quite sometime to realise this. To be honest in the past I’ve had a tough relationship with food, often turning to it for either emotional support or as a way of getting fast energy if I was exhausted, and then I’d do the complete opposite and starve myself wanting to look like a model, either way it was a band aid for what really needed to be addressed. And for me it was my worth, self love all that jazz. But before that I’ll be real honest about some of the darker stages of my health journey. First up I was overweight, I didn’t even realise it and I was still eating what you’d call whole foods but just the wrong things for my body like spelt and lots of natural sugary foods like date balls and what not. I worked in morning tv and I remember right after I’d done a segment I was shopping at a local fruit and veggie market and this lady came up to me and said “I saw your segment on tv this morning” I said oh thanks for watching, she then said “you really shouldn’t wear yellow, it makes you look pudgy.” I thought, that’s enough, it wasn’t the first time someone had commented on my size so I thought stuff it and I lost the weight, it came off so fast just by eating a paleo inspired diet, and I had more energy than ever. Then I went through a really bad breakup and instead of learning from the experience I spiralled and went into a pretty heavy eating disorder, I was swaying from fasting on water for days then to binge eating, so as you can imagine I was doing the total opposite of honouring my health and by whole self. It took a lot of work and I got lots of help, a great friend of mine, Charlie taught me that without my health I have nothing. He said you’ve got career, love life, family, financial security and your health and it’s the health that’s the key. Without having your health all these other elements suffer, think about it, if you’re not healthy you wont be doing your best in your career you may not be giving the best you can to your relationships, it’s all intertwined, but when you’re healthy your clear, you can approach things with perspective and you can give your best. I decided it was time to love myself, that I had felt sad for too long, and thus I made a choice to honour and nourish me. And that’s the tipping point, it’s a simple choice and you are the only person who can make that. So I started eating a primal inspired diet again and again came to my healthiest self, it’s when I feel, my best, inside and out. It’s when I glow. That’s how the 20/20 diet cookbook came about, it’s how I found perfect health, it’s how I felt my best physically, mentally, emotionally and even spiritually. It’s a paleo inspired way of living but I also try a few things like a little sheep’s and goats yoghurt and found that in small amounts they worked for me, or using ancient Aztec seeds in the place of grains. Trust your body, it know best, trust me on this one. You have about a 3 hour window in which to take notice of ho you feel; if you’re grumpy, tried or hitter after a meal you may well be reacting to something I know if I have something really sugary or something with gluten in it within 10 minuets I’m on the loo, it just goes straight through me. So trust your body, take notice of it and choose to honour it. Being Happy, now you might not think this has too much to do with nutrition, but it’s so intertwined that you can make yourself happy or depressed simply by the way you eat. This is empowering stuff. Eat good food and you’ll be happy, and when your happy you’ll be inspired to be healthy and then watch the rest of your life change. When you’re healthy it’s like you’re a super hero version of yourself. One last thing I want to nerd you out with and htat my favourite word, “Biophilia” this refers to the healing power of mother nature. Think about it. We are innately drawn to the great outdoors: when you’re in nature and around other living organisms you see things more clearly, you gain perspective and little things don’t seem to bother you as much. Life seems simpler. This is no coincidence. It’s a fact that nature has a positive effect on humans’ wellbeing. We thrive physically, mentally and emotionally when we are exposed to nature. Being in the great outdoors leads to an increased positive mood and improved social relationships, so the proof is there. All you need to do is get outside and soak it up. Sunshine alone is healing. Now I’m not saying to go out and get scorched – that’s obviously too much – but healthy exposure to the sun is an essential element when it comes to being happy and healthy. Not only does it increase the amount of serotonin (the neurochemical associated with happiness) your brain produces, it is also important for healthy skin and balanced hormones. Furthermore, you need sunlight to help regulate your circadian rhythm and ensure you sleep well at night. The power of the sun is truly awesome. You can also try earthing or grounding yourself. This is when you whip off your shoes and just stand there, with your feet in the ocean or in the grass – literally grounding yourself in nature. It can calm your nervous system and help to get rid of stress. Being out in nature is free and you have unlimited access to it. There are no rules; it’s just an epic gift you can give yourself. You are in charge of how you look after yourself, and I reckon being amongst nature is one of the coolest things you can do for yourself! So there’s a little sip of my health journey, I’m sure I will keep learning new things and I’m sure I’ll make a few stuff ups along the way but I want you to know that it’s all part of it, use the lessons to grow and become even healthier, trust he journey and chose to put yourself first because you deserve it. It’s time for you to stand at the top of your mountain, so go you there and be the best you. Cheers Lola, keep shining brightly and if you want to follow Lola then jump onto her page here https://facebook/lolaberryX! Lolas cookbook is a cracker too! Make sure you register your name at thepaleoway as we have some exciting news this week for you about our 10 week Activation Program! If you would like to win our new 10 week Paleo Way activation program then let me know what resonated with you the most about Lolas story. Yesterdays winner of the 10 week activation program is Megan Bowen. Megan chose Marc Bowen to do the program with and here is why! I want us to do this together not only so that we can live long and healthy lives for our children and for them to live long and healthy lives for all of our future generations, but also I want us to be part of the movement that changes the power large conglomerates have on us. I want our choices to influence others and for the ripple effect to ultimately change the way the western world creates and eats real food. Awesome guys - please email hello@thepaleoway to get the info to start your program very soon!
Posted on: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 20:27:15 +0000

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