Today we are praying against all impossible situations. Matthew - TopicsExpress


Today we are praying against all impossible situations. Matthew 9v26 But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, with men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible. With men certain things are impossible. Just imagine a woman without a womb obviously will not be able to carry a baby so says doctors. I have heard of a woman who got pregnant without a womb, another woman got pregnant without her ovaries. With God all things are possible. The angels that visited Abraham said to him, your wife will have a son by this time next year. Sarah overheard it and she laughed. And the angels said in Gen 18v14 Is anything too hard for the LORD? She laughed because it was so impossible, an old woman whose menses had stopped years back. No, it was not possible. But not with God, according to the prophecy, she got pregnant and had Isaac. Lazarus died and was buried for four days and Jesus asked Mary if she knew her brother will resurrect, yes she said at the last day. What Jesus was trying to tell her was I am the resurrection and life. Mark 10v27 and Jesus looking upon them saith, with men it is impossible, but not with God, for with God all things are possible. Anyone connected to me cannot die before their time. He went to the tomb and called him out from the land of the dead. Get ready, my Facebook friends with God all things are possible. Impossible means (I m possible) With God all things becomes possible. Are you ready to pray? God promises you hear you. 1. Begin to thank him. 2. If there is any sin in your life, begin to repent of them and rededicate your life to the Lord Jesus. 2. Begin to activate your faith in Christ Jesus. 3. Come against every satanic re enforcement, gang up against your prayer. 4. Release the fire of the Holy Spirit against satanic monitoring spirit. 5. Come against every network communication in the realm of darkness concerning your family 6. Ask the Holy Spirit for help. 7. Cover yourself with the precious blood of Jesus. 8. Declare I take authority over the atmospheric heavens in the name of Jesus, 9. I command the yoke of impossibilities over my life to be destroyed 10. I come against every circle of impossibilities embarrassing my life, I command the circle to break now in Jesus name. I speak to all difficult situations, everything that is so hard to be reversed in the name of Jesus. 11. All forces of disappointments speaking impossibilities into my destiny to scatter now in the name of Jesus. 12. I decree every satanic altar and evil shrine speaking impossibilities into my marriage, family, career, business, and relationship, health to be broken down and catch fire in the name of Jesus. 13. In the name of Jesus, I close satanic gate of impossibilities by the blood of Jesus, gates of failure at the edge of breakthrough, gate of barrenness, gates of affliction, gates of marital frustration…. I command in the name of Jesus, all evil gates in my life to be shut down and to catch fire. 14. In the name of Jesus, embargoes on possibilities to lifted now, embargoes on possibilities of getting married, travelling abroad, get a good job, get promotion, becoming a landlord, embargoes against giving birth to my own children, ..all satanic embargoes working against my life to be lifted now in the name of Jesus. 15. I thank you Lord because the chain of impossibilities has been broken, its yoke has been destroyed permanently in Jesus name. 16. Begin to speak in tongues to establish your victory in the name of Jesus. My Facebook friends, I want to congratulate you for saying this prayer again today as instructed by the Holy Spirit. . As you have spoken in His ears so will He do for you. Get ready because God will give you double for all the troubles you have ever experienced. Get ready for a life of overflow, where all things will become possible. There are things that will become possible in your life as you step into the threshold of the month of April 2014. You will buy that car, you will get that job, you will get married this year, you will have that baby, you will complete that house, you will get that visa to travel, you will get that admission, you will get that contract, there is possibility for your promotion, expect it. You are going to be walking in the realm where all things are possible in Jesus mighty name. Amen. Remain blessed Share it if you have been blessed.
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 08:43:42 +0000

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