Today, we want to feel something again, something - TopicsExpress


Today, we want to feel something again, something memorable… The Moon waxes and grows through late Virgo, enters Libra, and teases visibility this evening. In the wake of the intense Mars/Saturn aspect and New Moon, we may be skimming the surface like a nicely tossed rock, quickly connecting with old relations, creating art to ease the uncertainty, trying our best to stay above the water. There is nothing easy about these times we are living in. Patterns are emerging in us, trying to keep us safe against the pressure of the forces welling up inside. The inevitable, the paradox, the maze in which we are trying to find our way out, yet the thread is missing. What to do? What to think? How to make it through? The symbol of Libra is like an invisible fist pressing upwards against the apparent illusion of equality. Yes, it is striving for peace, it uses eloquent words, and fine art to smooth over the abrasive edges of life, but the truth is, things aren’t balanced. Inequality remains, slowly growing beneath the skin like a troublesome cancer. And so, as the Moon moves into Libra today, we attempt to use aesthetic to smooth over the rough edges, not pretending we are doing something different. As Amanda says, from ‘Another Roadside Attraction,’: “The purpose of art is provide something life cannot.” Let us make beauty (Libra). The kind so radiant it whitens the bloodshot eyes of any hater (Mars). .: The Image :. Disguised by the face of an angel, we find some sort of demon thriving within. Symbols, memes, slogans, and the means to control us all. Again, we must remember what we are fighting for, we must remember our New Moon intention. It has something to do with Freedom. …what to believe, really. Israel and Palestine in a truce? Really? ISIS to be subdued, are you serious? Choke holds, emptied clips, and modern day lynching by triple K’s….are these the times we are living in? Can we get along? Is your relationship consuming everything, everyone? Is the drama with that person taking it all? Well, take it back. It’s yours. All the news, all the drama, all of it! As the Moon moves into Libra, it is kind of like an iron fist covered by a velvet glove pushing up against the balance we are seeking. Be alone for a moment, question everything, and find peace within your Soul before fighting for it outside yourself. It may be the only way. .: The Feeling :. Torn. Coming into focus. A bit off balance. Mediocre resolution with a loved one. Drying off in the wake of all that has happened. Divorced from something. Finding beauty in the details. Meeting mentors. Seeing clear reflections in others. Equilibrium. Peace—hopefully. .: The Summoning :. As the Moon moves into Libra, let us treat the hump on the upper side of the scales as a ramp. Whether on board or bike, let us hit it hard, and as we do, let us look down upon all that has happened in the past, what is moving in the present, and the fertility of the future, and make a choice: We can either have a flush landing or we can eat shit. It’s all in the mind. It is all in our minds. Holestoheavens and if you would like a Reading: Kosmognosis@gmail art by Android Jones
Posted on: Wed, 27 Aug 2014 14:42:45 +0000

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