Todays Devotional on Kisses and Huggs (Dunamis & Sophia) See - TopicsExpress


Todays Devotional on Kisses and Huggs (Dunamis & Sophia) See your purpose as a pregnancy that you carry. Make up your mind to carry that baby to full term. Make up your mind that your baby will not be aborted or miscarried. It might have been a while, but the gestation period will soon be over. You might even be at the first trimester where you are constantly throwing up and going through morning sickness, but dont flush out your purpose because of unpleasant experiences. Your seed is worth preserving because it is what you will point to in the future. You might be at the labour point right now, where the pain is intense, but I want you to know that the pain is for a gain. The pain is not there to weaken you or kill you, that pain is actually a friend at the time. The pain is there to announce to you that your baby is due! The gestation period is over and a celebration is in the offing. The time of intense pain in the labour period is not when to give up on God. The scripture aptly declares: Is. 66:9 - Shall I bring to the birth, and not cause to bring forth? saith the Lord: shall I cause to bring forth, and shut the womb? saith thy God. You are at the point of birth. Hold on. The pain is not to be wasted on screaming and complaining. It is to be used to PUSH the baby out. You PUSH - PrayUntilSomethingHappens! Turn your face to the wall, lift up your voice in prayer and cry unto your father in Heaven. That way, your miracle will be birthed! When the baby comes, the mother forgets the pain. The joy of a baby is greater that the pain experienced. The glory is always greater than the price. A naming ceremony follows and that is what I see for you...a naming testimony. Your celebration is here! ...Read further on YOUR PURPOSE IS LIKE A BABY, DO NOT ABORT IT - A Word...A Discussion...A Prayer...Everyday @ Kisses and Huggs Club. JOIN over 9,000 Singles and Married Couples Today -
Posted on: Thu, 12 Jun 2014 06:17:22 +0000

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