Todays Message: Collision Course. Im pretty sure I passed one - TopicsExpress


Todays Message: Collision Course. Im pretty sure I passed one of Gods tests today, folks. As I was backing out of our parking lot at work, another employee, who was in a hurry to leave, backed into my car. I had just enough time to see a tailgate coming at me, and then the crunch as he hit. I did mutter a few choice expletives under my breath as I got ready to survey the damage. I looked at my car--theres a pretty substantial dent in the left midline body panel, just behind the drivers door, the inside molding near the rear window was crushed in, and the drivers door is dented near the door lock. The frame and fuel tank WERE NOT compromised, the car is drivable, shoot, the airbags didnt even deploy. I got the bejeepers shook out of me, but I was uninjured. The fella that hit me was totally scared; I mean this man was shaking. That stopped me. Fast. I was upset, yes, and sort of ready to raise Cain with the guy, but that stopped me. We exchanged information and did all the insurance protocol. That part was easy; we both used the same insurance company. HERES where I think I passed the test. If this had happened twenty or thirty years ago, when I was unsaved, younger and meaner, I would have torn into this guy faster than a pit bull into a would-be burglar, then I would have dragged him into court and mopped the floor with him just because I could do so. The Bible says, A soft answer turneth away wrath. I dont have any wrath, anger or malice because Ive found God. I actually shook the mans hand and told him, Its all going to be all right. Were going to get through this. There was no anger, no raised voices and no fisticuffs. I can say this to you now; underneath this rough, craggy and sometimes rather vulgar exterior now beats the heart of a true Christian man. I know that some people will disagree with this, mostly people from my past that knew me when I was a jerk. Ive had to practically beg to convince some of them otherwise. But its true. As Ive aged and matured, especially now, Ive let God take over my life, and things are a lot easier to handle, even a parking lot fender-bender. I still have much work on me to be done, but God....BUT GOD!!!! IS HANDLING THAT!! Thank You, Jesus that no one was hurt! Praise His Holy Name!!! Were all on a collision course with our destiny, which is either being taken in the Rapture, or facing the Great Throne of God in judgment. How we conduct ourselves in this life decides what our course in the next is going to be; eternity with God, or eternity in Hell.That includes how we treat our fellow man. The point is this: lifes too short to be a jerk. A good Christian can forgive his fellow man like Jesus forgave sinners. Do this, and you can pass the test like I did. Blessings! Don.
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 01:15:00 +0000

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