Todays Prayer: Father I thank you for this another day. Thank - TopicsExpress


Todays Prayer: Father I thank you for this another day. Thank you Father for touching me and waking me up this morning and thank you Father God for keeping watch over me as I slept on last night, Father I thank you for your goodness and your mercy, I thank you Father for your love and your kindness to me. Father I thank you for all that you do and all that you have done for me and I bless your great name! Father I will be about the business you have placed within my hands. I will be about getting done all that you have put within my heart to do. I will be about touching lives for your kingdom, I will be about spreading the gospel, I will be about crying loud and sparing not declaring REPENT for the kingdom of God IS at hand. I will be about declaring Jesus Christ is Lord of ALL! I will be about the business you have appointed to me Lord. Father I ask that you would open the eyes of the heart of each and every one of your children to be about doing what you have called each of us to. Give us the determination to be about completing the good work you have put within our hands. We will not succumb to slackness and slothfulness. We will not succumb to the lies and the tricks and the schemes the enemy whispers and uses to try to stop our progress. We will not listen to the voice of the enemy, but rather we will keep our hearts and our mind squarely fixed and set on you Lord. Help us Holy Spirit to walk circumspect, help us Holy Spirit to walk in the Spirit. Help us Holy Spirit to lay aside every weight that so easily besets us and press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of you Father God in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Father I thank you. Father I thank and praise and honor you this day. I give you all the glory. You are so good and so great. Order our steps in your word today Father God and keep our feet on the right pathway. Blessing and honor to you Father God forever and ever. In Jesus name I pray. Amen
Posted on: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 15:22:48 +0000

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