Todays post will be about a concept my friend has picked up on (he - TopicsExpress


Todays post will be about a concept my friend has picked up on (he wishes to stay anonymous) and that I have studied. He thought this post would be one for me to make. So flattered and inspired as I am I give to you my definition of what I am about to describe to you as The Cultural Slave. In this post he had proposed for me to answer his questions in an interview sort of style, which is what I will do here: An interview with Johnny by Anonymous: -Why is it that we have dropped our social courtesies to a very low standard? -How come style has disappeared in our culture? It is not that the way we are dressed nowadays is all bad, it just misses the eye for detail and elegance it once had. -Why has music changed the way it has? What has happened to classical music and why did music loose its capacity to deliver powerful messages? -What has happened to our language that it sounds rude compared to what it was only a hundred years ago? Why has language lost so many of its nuances? Why does our use of language leave so many questions open that are no longer asked but would have been answered before asking in that same time in history? -I have noticed that these changes, this regressing has happened on more levels than just clothing, politeness and language, but also in the way buildings are built and in more ways throughout society things are no longer as they used to be. Change is understandable, what does not sit well with me however is the lack of care, art and a more sincere and cared for culture. Can you explain all this? I shall try to answer these questions all in one go as I think this is all connected. To answer these questions we have to go back really far into history and make sort of a quick run towards the finish, which is today. In the time of Plato, an old greek philosopher, philosophy was (and still is the same by definition) the search for wisdom, the search for justice and virtue. Philosophers then were highly respected, although they were a seperate species, they were intellectuals, those with their heads in the clouds. The ordinary people did not have time to think as much as they did, yet many of the ideas of the philosophers were upheld as though they were the ultimate truth. The ordinary people then, like today had not the space and freedom to live just and virteous in the way philosophers did, ofcourse this is a mere excuse, as for me personally. I am currently doing a job that is known to be very stressful, it is known that you work way more hours than the average person and also work on days that others do not and I still have time for philosophy, I make time. I do however understand the root of this excuse. As I come home I am tired and on my days of I like to relax too, I get all that. I do think however that an important distinction between now and then is that the people with high social value, heros and the like did upheld a certain image that portrayed them as good people, perhaps as courageous, or brave, or just, whatever have you and did not have television to enhance the image or lie for them, these people were usually as they presented themselves, made famous by mouth to mouth or perhaps some connection to a figure of authority. Todays heroes are heroes on a far more superficial level. They have done no feats of greatness for the most part. They sang a song or acted brilliantly. These people are liars, frauds in that they portray an image which is false, they pretend to be alot that theyre not, for example; happy. Do not forget that these people are an example for all of society to see. Yet they divorce at high rates, do crazy things, wear crazy clothing, act out satanic rituals on stage (Lady Gaga) and people know not the nature, the core, the source of these behaviours. Why would people with high social value put their reputation at risk the way they do (if people ask this at all), the answer is that these people SET the standards. They are however usually sponsored by some huge record company and they do have to answer to someone, one can only wonder if theyre paid to behave a certain way, to set certain standards. This sounds conspiratorial, but history has been directed for quite a while and knowing this the idea isnt as crazy as it seems anymore. I call these people that set the standards the Pawns of the Media. We could have an entirely different discussion about whether or not this regression has happened purposefully and whether or not it was the result of free wills of the people cooperating or whether or not they have been indoctrinated to an extend unknown to them. The people of today, the grand majority, are the inhabitants of Platos cave, an allegory in one of his books that I think is important enough for everyone to read. I call the people in Platos cave of today The Cultural Slave which is in direct relation to the current zeitgeist. The modern consumerism rich monetary slave system. To answer your question in short; I think that regression amongst the majority of people, in architecture, in clothing, in music, language and more is the result of brainwashing the grand populous through television, radio, newspapers and more with a lot of low quality pawns of the media. I also think this is deliberate and that you should check out Charlotte Iserbyt - The Miseducation of America, the following video on most of this subject and also the link I provided directly below the video. Alan Watt - Shock and Awe: youtube/watch?v=x26Q2XUZVwE A link for a site that shows you exactly (with sources) how the planet has been manipulated into one giant agenda. On a less intellectual, but rather more personal note Id like to ask the following: -Johnny, how do you feel about this? Do you have more affinity with the old or with the new and modern way of looking at things? I personally feel as though I have been born in the worst imaginable time of all of history. For several reasons I know we are in a huge time of change. Public awareness of the elites activities seem to be going up a fair bit and I am trying to contribute to this with my abilities of connecting dots and analysing the world in a way I know only a few others have done. When I read an old book or even when I listen to 50 year old music I get this strange feeling as though I have left many of my friends behind. They are my true friends. People I could have discussions with on a less superficial level, havent you noticed how many people have adopted the idea of newspeak (term first coined by George Orwell) unconsciously at a level I dare not challenge their skill in? This type of newspeaking people I cannot talk with at all, I get pissed off, all emotional and disappointed. As they usually disregard my selfless efforts of contributing to a better world and even make them out to be SELFISH at times. I find it hard to deal with, but deep down I understand these people miss a critical part inside of them that was once responsible for thought. In this a clear separation appears to be going on between thoughtful and thoughtless people. My title clearly states who I write to, I think. So I have way more affinity, way more of a connection with the past. That is if there is such a thing as a past. Us human beings are very usurped by all these concepts and ideas, but rarely think to understand our true ignorance, we cannot verify ANY of these concepts and ideas, like the theory of evolution, the big bang theory, time and the theory of relativity. I am sceptical towards what people claim to be the truth, science and religion. I do however like to go by what people say in terms of proving what side they are on and I do like to cling on to philosophy to find a way of life for myself and others that is responsible and RIGHT. -Do you agree with the statement; Is less culture responsible for a larger generation of fools? I just talked about the pawns of the media as being a cause for the great regression as I shall call it, but the root of it all is in humanity itself. People are responsible for themselves. If you want to be a fool you will be a fool and the contrary also holds truth, not that I believe in the wishful thinking that is called the power of attraction I do however believe that people put in or do not put in an amount of effort to reach a certain goal and that this has a result, dont we call that causality? I think if a larger generation of fools came into existence that theyd be cool victims for the pawns of the media, because who is easier to brainwash than people that are not on a quest of enlightenment? I hope that answered your question. I however doubt that fools are born, they are made. -What can we do to fix the done damage? I think you should ask what YOU can do to fix the done damage. Ghandi said that if you wish to change the world you should start with yourself and I agree. You have to find whats right for you, think and become what you want to be. Living by your own standards and code of ethics, going by your own consciousness. Upon reaching a certain level in this it will set an example for others to follow, I choose to write to not only track my own process, but also to set an example. At that point it is up to the people themselves to follow or not. How appropriate: youtube/watch?v=WibmcsEGLKo
Posted on: Mon, 04 Nov 2013 22:55:57 +0000

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