Todays rant is sponsored by the anti Thot campaign. If youre - TopicsExpress


Todays rant is sponsored by the anti Thot campaign. If youre going to repost all these life changing, mind blowing, self help sayings and pictures, (that you post 10 times a day and never seem to follow because youre the same Thot you were 6 months ago) then for the love of god please make sure its spelled right. How are you gonna change someones mindset and you or the person who wrote or reposted the crap still doesnt know the difference between there and their. Another thing. I see so many of you trying to be famous and whatnot, but where is the hard work youre putting in to accomplish this? No one is gonna hand you anything for free. And if you were relying on your good looks and killer personality 😏, it should have gotten you somewhere a long time ago. Furthermore its ok to just be normal! We need more firefighters, engineers, TEACHERS, chefs etc. Not more reality show stars, online boutique owners, hair stylist and club promoters. (No offense to anyones hustle) Will no one think of the children? Im done.
Posted on: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 14:35:49 +0000

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