Todays reading is all about humility. 1 Peter 5:6 - TopicsExpress


Todays reading is all about humility. 1 Peter 5:6 AMP Therefore humble yourselves [demote, lower yourselves in your own ] therefore to the mighty hand of God, that in due time He may exalt you, Humble yourselves therefore Humility! Can we really [especially in this world of technology] approach anYthing like TRUE humility? The reality is NO there is none humble except The Lord. The apostles and disciples knew this. However I must speak only of my own humility. This sadly is virtually non existent and no where near what is truly required of God! I will (nay MUST) strive to learn even a rudimentary form of humility. It is often asked probably because of the song (which I do like) I can only imagine what will you do [ when you meet God] and let us not doubt we will ALL meet Him! Well many say they will sing, pray, or whatever. I personally think scripture tells us. Every knee shall bow and this to me says humility in front of God. Out of interest I always write (lower case) j rather than capital J not to be clever, but rather to remind me to be humble, for I do tend to suffer from pride! I also have the attention factor of a gnat. I also did relate to a Charles Dickens line ... I quote a excerpt from a recent letter from the present Catholic Pope which puts it better than I. [The letter is about humility , I can post as a comment if requested, although not a catholic I did find the letter rather interesting. ] Humility has had a bad name in recent times. Its archetype has been Charles Dickenss unctuous villain in David Copperfield. Im a very umble man, Master Copperfield... ever so umble, says the obsequious Uriah Heep. I am well aware that I am the umblest person going. My mother is likewise a very umble person. We live in a numble abode. Humble thus became something of a byword for a false ambitious However, back to the reading. As John Gill and Matthew Henry et al put it: Humble yourselves therefore to the mighty hand of God If we compare it with James 4:10. The humility here recommended is not merely a submissive bearing of the strokes which it pleased God to let fall upon them, but it was to be shown, as we see in the previous verse, in their bearing toward one another. And “the mighty hand of God” is not to be regarded as that which is chastising them, but as the protecting shelter which they are humbly to seek. In due time.—St. Peter probably means, in the day of judgment, which seemed so instant. God bless j (trust in The Lord)
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 03:53:12 +0000

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