Todays travel adventure was definitely one for the record books. - TopicsExpress


Todays travel adventure was definitely one for the record books. We arrived at Edinburgh Airport, got through security, and had boarded our 7:20 flight when suddenly the captain announced that there had been a security breach and that we all had to evacuate the airport. With many groans, we grudgingly left the safety of the aircraft to walk through the airport whose security had allegedly been breached and which may have contained a bomb for all we knew. We then waited outside for over an hour in the cold while the cops and fire department were called to inspect the suspicious package. Once we were let in, it became clear that over a thousand people needed to go through security again. To this end, airport staff were sending small groups of us up the stairs so as not to overwhelm security. Highlights of this nearly-two-hour wait included running into Sarah Young(WHY CANT I TAG YOU) and hearing a very frustrated man yell at a prerecorded message on the intercom, Just tell us whats bloody happening, you silly bloody woman. At noon, over four hours after we were supposed to take off, we finally set off for London. Last night I was wishing we could spend more time in Scotland... Not sure this is what I had in mind.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 21:01:36 +0000

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