Today’s ‘normal’ flu epidemics affect a lot more people and - TopicsExpress


Today’s ‘normal’ flu epidemics affect a lot more people and are accompanied by much stronger symptoms than ever before. The viruses that afflict us now and a century ago are still very much the same. What has changed dramatically among the general population, though, is the natural resistance of most people to viral attacks. Today, our natural immunity to these germs is many times lower than it was just 100 years ago. Tooth decay and depleted vision among young people are very common now. Numerous new and rapidly growing epidemics are now proliferating, a phenomenon unheard of just two centuries ago. They include millions of people suffering from diabetes, heart disease, cancer and obesity - the latter being the most common cause behind illness and death. The fact that our modern societies are plagued with so many chronic illnesses shows that entire generations possess weak constitutions, caused mainly by stress, unhealthy diets, and harmful lifestyles. People who lived a hundred years ago and enjoyed good hygienic conditions were much less prone to develop chronic illnesses than we are today. Heart disease, for example, which is today’s leading cause of death, rarely killed anyone at the beginning of the 20th century. (This is a selection from the book ‘TIMELESS SECRETS OF HEALTH AND REJUVENATION from ANDREAS MORITZ’) ener-chi/books/timeless-secrets-of-health-rejuvenation/
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 13:00:00 +0000

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