Today’s word: Deliverance Ephesians.6:12-18[NKJV] 12 For - TopicsExpress


Today’s word: Deliverance Ephesians.6:12-18[NKJV] 12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. 13 Therefore take up the whole armour of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. 14 Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness, 15 and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace; 16 above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one.17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God; 18 praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints. ……………………………………………. During the past 5 days more than 6 million people have read our teachings and be blessed because you are one of them. Keep on passing the knowledge to others, do not be selfish because we are fighting a common enemy, the devil and his agents called evil spirits. Remember the Bible in Hosea.4:6 says, “My people perish for lack of knowledge.” Do not praise me for these teachings, let us glorify our Jesus for enlightening us with His knowledge so that we do not perish. Glory be to Jesus – Mbiri kunaJesu! From the millions who had access to these teachings a majority were asking this question, “Prophet what exactly is deliverance and how do I receive it?” I could have proceeded with other teachings that touch on more sensitive areas of our lives but I felt, let me talk about deliverance before we proceed. A look at the above verses will tell us that we do not fight against physical powers or flesh and blood but against spiritual ones. Many of you have battled with these tormenting spirits day in and out but with no solution. We are physical but the powers tormenting us are spiritual. It is unfortunate that the physical has limited power over the spiritual yet the spiritual controls both your physical and your spiritual being. The principle here is that before anything else happens in the physical, it is agreed upon in the spiritual realm first. Zvose zvinotangira mumweya. When a prophet says receive your marriage, it means your marriage is already in the spiritual realm, it has passed God’s time (kairos) and is now waiting for the time of man (chronos) or the physical. Ndipo paya paunonzwa zvichinzi chisi hachieri musi wacharimwa. Kunombogarwa dare mumweya rinowirirana kuti upiwe imba wozonzwa muporofita woti gamuchira imba yako. But for obvious jealousy reasons, the devil will try to block your testimony by his delay and limitation spirits. Which means, when you are granted a job in the spiritual realm, it means your job has been released, what is left is for the job to manifest in the physical. However, the devil will try by all means to ensure that you do not receive it. One good thing that I know is that whatever was released by God in the spiritual realm, it may only delay but will surely come to pass in your life. Remember when Daniel fasted for 21 days in the wilderness, his prayer request was answered the very first day of his fasting but it took over 21 days for him to get his response. The king of Persia was holding the angel of messages Gabriel so that he could not proceed down with Daniel’s prayer request. Ndiwo matare atirikuti anombogarwa nevavengi vako in the spirit kuti usawane murume, mari, imba, mota, basa kana utano. It was until God kept on hearing Daniel’s prayer, and God queried why Daniel could be requesting what was released 21 days back. God was actually expecting to hear Daniel saying, “Thank you my Lord I physically received my prayer request.” “But Prophet, why would the devil do this to my life? What is he fighting for?” “Arikurweiko satan muupenyu hwangu? Ndakamutadzirei?” I will talk about this in the near future, why the devil fights us left, right and centre, but today let me put it simply by saying, the devil does not want God’s children to give praise and glory to God. Keep following our page and you will come across this subject in detail when I talk about the real source of these problems, kwazvakatangira. From the teachings we have shared together in the past few months and supported by the Bible, we now all know that there is power in the word. God spoke a word and there was heaven and earth. The word turned into flesh. The same power is in anyone’s word and it operates either way, be it to destroy or build. From my experience, most spirits that torment you today are human influenced spirits, so called human spirits. Mweya inotumirwa nevavengi vako. The devil commands different spirits, be it sickness, poverty, anti-marriage, barrenness, delay or marine spirits. These spirits roam around looking for a place to stay or operate. They enter a person due to his or her God given gifts so that those gifts do not manifest in the physical in order to bring sorrow to the person and subsequently turn him or her away from God. However, some of these spirits can actually be invited or commanded to enter into your life through the word of mouth from your living enemy. Unogarwa dare nevavengi vako vari kumusha, over 300km away from you. What happened was that they spoke a word against your life. “I speak barrenness in the life of so and so. She must never have a child in her life – haamubate mwana mumaoko.” Or, I speak poverty in his life, he must never have money in his pocket, let his pockets dry up – ngaaribude basa racho, averovha!” Or, I speak sickness in her llife, she must live on tablets all her life and her money must be spent on medication – ngakave kamurwereupenyu hwese!” These are just very few examples but you can put your situation into these examples and understand what I am talking about. They speak a word, kilometres away from you and you lose your job. They spoke a word soon after your birth and you were given as a wife to a spirit, that is why you cannot get married or why you marry and re-marry. They spoke a word far from you but events took place in your life, meaning distance is not barrier be it for the positive or the negative. Zvikanzi, “kuHarare ikoko, aroorwa Sarah asi tinoda abude mumba macho nekushaiwa mbereko. Haambomubata mwana hazviite!” Vamwe makaiswa muhari, mubhotoro, muhozi, pamwe mubako chaimo. That is why I mentioned in the above paragraphs that it begins in the spiritual realm and it is the spiritual realm that has more power over the physical realm. You are what you are today because of what was declared in your life in the spiritual realm. This is where deliverance comes in. You have to counter using the power of the word that comes from your mouth in the name of Jesus in order to be set free from these bondages. You have to speak in reverse of what your enemy said or declared in your life, be it the devil himself or the human spirit. We command the spirits out by their names, poverty spirit, anti-marriage, sickness, cancer, or any spirit tormenting you. They must be commanded OUT! Deliverance from spiritual, physical and economic bondage happens through commanding the spirits out. Some spirits are stubborn and at times your level of authority may not be able to cast out the spirit. Casting out of demons is the deliverance process but if it continues to torment you despite your personal declarations at home it means your level of authority demands a man of God with a higher level to cast them out. No wonder we recommend that you to attend church services and receive your deliverance through the anointed hand of a man of God in the name of Jesus. One thing for sure is that you need to maintain a positive attitude towards your condition and do not forget to cast it out by name. Your enemy mentioned your name and type of affliction by name and the same should happen when you counter the enemy’s declarations. “Out, you anti-marriage spirit”, and it knows you do not like it in your life. There is power in the voice anointing that we do during every church service. We will be commanding the spirits out of our lives by name, no wonder different spirits start manifesting during the process. Being in a highly anointed place like the church premise is an added advantage over our enemy. However, I won’t stop saying, deliverance is a process. One can be delivered in one day but another can be weeks or months. What counts is that you must maintain a positive attitude towards your life, speak positive about your expectations and praise God more than talking about your problem. Pray more often, filled with praise, praise and praise. Follow this deliverance process regularly: You evil spirit, OUT! You sickness spirit, OUT of my body! You poverty spirit, OUT! You barrenness spirit, OUT of my life! You fibroids, OUT of my body! You anti-marriage spirit, come OUT! You cancer, OUT of my body! You limitation spirit, OUT of my life! You delay spirit, OUT of my life! Right now! Right now! Right now! Iwe mweya wehuroyi - BUDA! Iwe mweya wekusabudirira - BUDA! Iwe mweya usingadi imba – BUDA! BUDA! BUDA! BUDA! IZVOZVI! IZVOZVI! IZVOZVI! What type of evil spirit is in your family? I command it out and lose you right now! Nothing will stop your testimony! Say, “You devil holding my testimony come out of my life – come out!” Say, “OUT! OUT! OUT! OUT! OUT! OUT! OUT! OUT! OUT! OUT! OUT!!” Pray! Pray! Pray! Pray! Pray! Pray! Pray! Pray! Pray! Pray! Pray! Pray! Say, “You snake spirit lose your hold!” “You devil holding my finances come out of my life!” “Come out of my life!” “Come out of my life!” “Come out of my life!” “Come out of my life!” …………………………………….. Mbiri kunaJesu – Glory be to Jesus. Let there be light – the light that pushes away darkness …………….…………………………………… PHD Ministries – 0% demon tolerance for 100% testimonies
Posted on: Fri, 09 May 2014 03:23:25 +0000

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