Todd Friel is an Arminain, Lordship Salvationist who cannot help - TopicsExpress


Todd Friel is an Arminain, Lordship Salvationist who cannot help but make salvation conditional. He holds that god loves all, christ died for all and god wants to and is TRYING to save all. This all IS ALL WITHOUT EXCEPTION according to people like him and Ray Comfort. Watch their videos. It comes out. Repentance is a GIFT of God, in that He works it in the elect and does not merely OFFER it and sit back and wait, giving the sinner time to or space to do (some of these types would even use the phrase chance to). Others who hold to the Lordship view like Tim Conway say that every CAN repent but its that they WONT repent. This automatically implies ability. Just because God Almighty demands something doesnt mean that anybody has the ability to perform that something (obeying His Law would be an example). If repentance means a change of mind, we see here that this MUST be accompanied by the truth gospel, NOT one that is Arminian or full of conditions (a grace PLUS works system). These guys seem to make faith and repentance some sort of conditional precommitment to obey the Law. Its weird, because one reason I came to Christ is that the Spirit used the schoolmaster, tutor (the law) to show me I could NOT keep it. He shows you your sin through the law. Sin IS transgression of the law. Christ is the end of the law for righteousness (Justification). So, God gives repentance (a change of mind) to the elect concerning the law - I cannot keep it and Christ is the only One who did. God changes the sinners mind about counting on their obedience as any part of salvation. God works in His elect to confess. This word is made up of two words - HOMO LOGO = same word. To confess Christ or to confess sins to say the same word about Christ and about sin that God does in His word. You are basically given grace to say Yes and amen to the truth of the gospel of grace in Christ. What does a repentant mind say about his sin? 1) Its my fault. 2) Im guilty. 3) I cannot be justified by the deeds of the law. 4) I have sinned against God. 5) I have no excuse. 6) Only Christ can pay for and forgive sin. A changed mind looks at immorality in a totally different light with God-given repentance. Before conversion repentance was merely legalistic and we did thing out of the two false motives - fear of punishment and promise of reward. Now we repent KNOWING, by God-given FAITH that Christ has removed the fear of hell and gain heaven already for us so we can now be free to obey Him by faith, in love because we are thankful to Him for His grace and mercy in this great salvation. When Todd talked about the use of the will in repentance you could really see his Arminainism bust at its seams by making it conditional. He seems to be implying that repentance is universally available (thats how some see gifts, as offers). In his scenario number two about the guy having the heart attack - he made salvation conditioned on calling on the name of the LORD. We know that faith comes BEFORE that activity and we surely know that faith is a gift worked in the newly regenerated heart of the elect. how can they call on Him in whom they have not believe?, thus putting faith BEFORE the calling on God. This, of course, is what destroys the sinners prayer system (altar call, modern day invitation system). In other words, Todd seems to imply here that when you call and ask God for forgiveness, God will give you want you want and or need. BUT people can call on Him all day until they are blue in the face BUT it has to be in the context of hearing the real gospel. Many will be condemned in the end and still be saying Lord, Lord, having called on his name many, many times previous. Those were just a few things off the top of my head. There could be more said here, but hopefully these few comments helped. Scott Price
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 12:41:45 +0000

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