Tomorrow Ill be tweeting asking SEGA to consider porting Shenmue - TopicsExpress


Tomorrow Ill be tweeting asking SEGA to consider porting Shenmue to Steam, as they have done with some of their other titles. Im asking you all to do the same, and to include various gaming media sites in your tweets. Recently, SEGA have added more features to some of their Steam games such as achievements and trading cards (neogaf/forum/showthread.php?t=866135), which shows that they are getting a decent revenue from the digital download avenue. They recently also claimed that package games (physical media) sales were down and they believe that particular market to be softening (gamespot/articles/sega-profits-halved-as-market-for-package-games-so/1100-6421432/), while their apps and such were still selling strong. After announcing that, it seems strange that they would pour extra money into Steam ports, unless those ports are bringing them decent profits. Theyve been very friendly with Steam so far, releasing a total of 332 games, DLCs and packages to the digital distribution platform. Steam takes a smaller cut of the profits than XBLA for example (Im not 100% sure about that, but I believe its true), and Steam digital downloads are more popular than console digital downloads at this moment in time. Moreover, as Shenmue was developed on a system that was Windows-based, it seems like porting it for Windows might be less costly than making it run on PS4 or X1 architecture. A lot of this is conjecture, but either way, a Steam version of Shenmue would certainly be popular. Steam has a massive, rapidly increasing user base who love retro games. Many Steam players dont care about graphics, they care about inventiveness, story and gameplay. It is my opinion that a great deal of Steam users would pick up Shenmue purely to see what all the fuss is about. Additionally, as we are a devoted community, we would ensure that the front page reviews were all positive, to encourage more purchases of the game. It seems like a profitable possibility for SEGA to port Shenmue to Steam, and it could be exactly what the series needs in order to increase our fanbase and ensure that SEGA opens their eyes to the potential of Shenmue 3. Ill be tweeting to SEGA, Steam, SEGA communities and gaming media outlets with the pleas to port Shenmue to Steam, and Id love it if as many of you as possible could do the same. My suggested hashtag (in conjunction with #SaveShenmue) for tomorrow is #ShenmueForSteam.
Posted on: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 16:07:51 +0000

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