Tomorrow is thank you Thursday. I know last week I did not post - TopicsExpress


Tomorrow is thank you Thursday. I know last week I did not post as it was a very hard week leading up to today. But with that said a lot has happened in this short time of two weeks. I can start by saying that I am so thankful that on last Monday Kennedy came home and has not been hospitalized since. We had a family who came to visit before thanksgiving and gave gifts to Kennedy. All I can say is what amazing people they are. I am so thankful to have met them. Thanksgiving was Thanksgiving but I was so thankful to have Judy who cooked a meal and served it late so I could be there. I received a card in the mail that was from a friend in high school this week and I just couldnt get past that of all things to do during this crazy time of year.. she sat and made a home card and sent it. Amazing!! The amount of support and texts, email, letters, and phone calls just makes me so thankful for everyone in our life that is always checking up on us and wanting updates for baby k. I want each one of you to know that you are so appreciated. I have received so many questions about Kennedys results/scans and I just havent come to complete terms with everything thats going on. In a nut shell it didnt go good at all or come with any good news. The cancer has spread and intensified despite all efforts. I dont know where we go from here right now and I know that we have the toughest days ahead of us yet. I just know that I am just trying to process everything and for right now I will update you all as I know what we decide. But for now I have hugs and kisses to give. Once again I am so appreciative to each and everyone of you that have thought of us. God bless you all.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 03:14:44 +0000

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