Tomorrow the kids and I will be learning about the three Magi that - TopicsExpress


Tomorrow the kids and I will be learning about the three Magi that came to see Jesus after he was born. Magi (not three kings of the orient as sung in this famous hymn) were a caste of wise men specializing in astrology, medicine, and natural science. While the story of Jesus birth is one that should be celebrated, many times we fail to recall the parts of the nativity that truly revealed the evil in this world. These moments, although disturbing, can also teach us a few things to be aware of while living on this Earth. Here are a few things I will be emphasizing to the kids (Parents, this would be a great thing to note so you can ask your child questions tomorrow after class): DID THE WISE MEN KNOW OF THE JEWS PROPHECIES REGARDING JESUS? No. They were from an entirely different area of the world. When they arrived in Jerusalem, they would have stood out from the local crowds in their foreign garb and well-traversed caravan. They were not at all familiar with the land they were in nor would they have known of the prophecies in the Torah. DID THE WISE MEN ARRIVE AT JESUS BIRTH? No. They had to travel many miles before reaching Jerusalem. Jesus would have been a toddler by the time they arrived. DID THEY GO SEE JESUS FIRST? No. Seeking a king, it made sense that their first inquiry would be to the place of authority, to Herod’s palace, the present king. Matthew reports, In the time of King Herod, after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea, wise men from the East came to Jerusalem, asking, Where is the child who has been born king of the Jews? For we observed his star at its rising, and have come to pay him homage. WAS HEROD HAPPY TO SHOW THEM WHERE JESUS WAS LIVING? No. Herod had no idea where Jesus was living, and he wanted to know himself. What the magi likely did not know was that Herod ruled not in greatness of kingship but with great paranoia and deadly tactics of power and destruction. He is described as a madman who put to death many of his own family members, including two of his sons out of fear of their disloyalty and rise to power. Needless to say, when Herod learned of the magi’s journey to behold the birth of a new king, he was angry and threatened by the news. Matthew reports, [Herod] was frightened, and all Jerusalem with him. DID THE WISE MEN TELL HEROD WHERE JESUS WAS AFTER THEY FOUND HIM? No. When Herod discovered that the magi had tricked him, leaving town without reporting where they found the child king, he gave orders to kill all the boys in Bethlehem and its vicinity who were two years old and under. At this decree, Matthew recalls what was said through the prophet Jeremiah long ago, now sadly fulfilled: A voice is heard in Ramah, weeping and great mourning, Rachel weeping for her children and refusing to be comforted, because they are no more (Matthew 2:16-18). So, as you can see, some might have thought that King Herod would have been just as wise as the three Magi, but just because you hold a position of power does not give you an abundance of wisdom. Being in a position of power does not automatically make someone wise. https://youtube/watch?v=n543eKIdbUI
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 03:04:36 +0000

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