Tonight for the first time in over 230 years our Government has - TopicsExpress


Tonight for the first time in over 230 years our Government has shutdown. We can blame Obama, republicans, or democrats, but the truth is that we as Americans are responsible for the sad place that our once great nation has become. I am asking you to pray tonight, like you never have before. Put aside our petty differences,and come together. Nevermind if you are republican or democrat, black or white, baptist or methodist, ultra-conservative or liberal. We are all Americans! It is time we remembered that! This is what we do, people... We fix problems. It is high time that we came together as a Nation and started fixing our own problems, instead of trying to fix the rest of the world. Pray America! Pray like never before that God will use this opportunity to open our eyes and bring us together, and not drive us farther apart....
Posted on: Tue, 01 Oct 2013 05:52:14 +0000

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