Tonight on walking with trolls. The young troll having worked all - TopicsExpress


Tonight on walking with trolls. The young troll having worked all day to support himself for the up coming winter gets queried by some indigenous primates from the Woking area, the young troll feeling tired turns to the primates quizzically wondering why they wanted his attention. Whats your name mate asks the alpha primate, David the troll replays. The alpha primate laughs that quickly makes the other primates laugh like a pack of hyena. Haha like David Attenborough asks the alpha, the young troll makes a very visible sigh and responds if you mean is it spelt the same, yes and Am I a legend of commenting on the animal kingdom, no.. Is that what you mean dude, how it is spelt?. The alpha looks visually annoyed by the young trolls comment, you being lippy snarled the primate. The troll now perplexed by the situation that he has got himself in takes a deep deep breath and begins his ramble wellllll, lets see if the word lippy and the word sarcasm mean the same thing, which I be leave they do, then maybe, possibly, probably I am, ok Im gonna be straight, I am being a little sarcastic, why did you not use that word, I wasted my time, precious time wondering what lippy ment, but I sir, must not be as good a word smith, well look at that I have talked far to long, could talk for England I could and it is time for me to be off, have a great night peoples, peace the primates look at each other all thinking the same thing, I think I just met a crazy person.... The young troll walks away with a sigh, you never go fall crazy, might of just missed out on some buddies for life!!!
Posted on: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 20:40:57 +0000

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