Too much sodium, not enough magnesium and potassium. Sodium is - TopicsExpress


Too much sodium, not enough magnesium and potassium. Sodium is found in common salt (sodium chloride) or dried meats (sodium nitrite) or just hidden in canned food, bread, breakfast cereals or soy sauce, the largest levels are found in sausages, bacon, dried meats, but worst are processed, prepared and Chinese foods (Monosodium glutamate). This acidity, I prefer to call it nutritional toxicity, occurs as follows: In our cells, we have power stations; they are called mitochondria as I told you above. They take in oxygen and glucose and by a complex system of chemical reactions involving potassium, they produce our energy. Now, if you consume too much sodium and too little potassium you can displace the potassium in your power stations. The sodium will still allow the chemical reactions to occur, but just not as efficiently. Less oxygen will be pulled into the cell, less energy produced, so the power stations have to work harder to sustain the cell. Sodium by-products, sodium salts, are more acidic than potassium salts. So the cell becomes more acid and draws in even less oxygen, and becomes even less efficient. And so a downward spiral sets in. In a very few cases, with less and less energy being produced, the cell powers down below the level of charge necessary for the repair mechanism, p53 gene to work. Think of it as a battery getting weaker and weaker and then the light goes out. And then you are in trouble. Low oxygen, the cell working like crazy to product a little energy, no repair gene. Cancer is just a step away. Of course, most of us don´t poison ourselves to this extent but we certainly walk the road. Open quotesMagnesium and a fully operating pump is an essential requirement for a healthy cellClose quotes In the cell membrane there is a pump, driven by magnesium and this pumps potassium into the cell and sodium out. Magnesium and a fully operating pump is an essential requirement for a healthy cell. 40 per cent of Americans (and probably us Brits too) are deficient in magnesium. Why? Too much dairy, which depresses magnesium levels, and too few magnesium foods in our diets.
Posted on: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 20:20:01 +0000

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