Top 10 Dengue Prevention Tips: 10 - When available, use - TopicsExpress


Top 10 Dengue Prevention Tips: 10 - When available, use air-conditioning. Attach screens to all windows and doors. 9 - Avoid hanging clothes in dark corners as these serve as hiding places for mosquitoes. 8 - Control wrigglers (“kiti-kiti”) in ponds by keeping larvae-eating fish like goldfish. 7 - Warn children not to play near still water for possibilities of being bitten by dengue-carrying mosquitoes. 6 - Discard items that collect rain or run-off water, especially old tires. Keep containers outside the home and gutters dry. Change the water in outdoor birdbaths and pet water containers once a week. 5 – Clean and replace the water in flower vases, fridge trays, storage bins, or pails once a week. Watch out for bromeliad plants, its funnel like leaves hold water. 4 - Insist that public-health officials safeguard your community by eliminating stagnant water sites in construction and wastewater treatment areas. 3 - Apply insect repellants on skin. Use mosquito patches, citronella sprays, bug bands (usually repels insects for 120 hours), or use high-tech gadgets such as the ultrasonic anti-mosquito repellant. 2 - When outdoors, wear long-sleeved shirts and long pants. Wear longer clothing that covers exposed skin in the arms and legs to thwart bites. 1 - Sleep on a bed inside a mosquito net.
Posted on: Thu, 22 Aug 2013 01:55:48 +0000

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