Top 11 “Diet” Foods That Make You Fat Instead of - TopicsExpress


Top 11 “Diet” Foods That Make You Fat Instead of Thin Nutrition is full of all sorts of lies, myths and misconceptions. What people believe to be true is often the exact opposite of the truth. Here are 11 “diet” foods that are actually making people fatter. 1. Breakfast Cereals Most commercial breakfast cereals are high in sugar and refined carbs, which are highly fattening and extremely unhealthy. 2. Agave Nectar Agave is even higher in fructose than sugar and high fructose corn syrup. Excessive fructose consumption is strongly associated with obesity and all sorts of metabolic diseases. 3. Whole Wheat Bread Whole wheat bread is usually not made with actual whole grains. It spikes blood sugar just as fast as white bread and can contribute to various health problems. 4. Granola Granola is often highly processed and contains added sugar and oil. It is very energy dense and easy to overconsume. 5. Low Fat Yogurt Low-fat yogurt is yogurt that has had the good stuff (saturated fat) removed, only to be replaced with something much worse, like sugar. 6. Commercial Salad Dressings Most commercial salad dressings contain unhealthy ingredients like high fructose corn syrup and soybean oil. It is much better to make your own. 7. Fruit Juices Fruit juice is high in sugar, but has no fiber. It is very easy to consume massive amounts of sugar from fruit juice. 8. Diet Soft Drinks Artificially sweetened beverages contain no sugar and no calories, but some studies show that they can stimulate the appetite. 9. “Organic” Processed Foods Even though organic whole foods are healthy, a lot of organic but processed foods are made with unhealthy ingredients like sugar. 10. Trail Mixes Trail mixes are very energy dense and are an excellent snack for people who need energy. However, they are high in both carbs and fat at the same time, which is a bad combination if weight loss is your goal. 11. Gluten Free Junk Foods Gluten free is very popular these days. According to one 2013 survey, a third of Americans are actively trying to reduce the amount of gluten in their diets. The food manufacturers have jumped on the bandwagon and brought all sorts of gluten-free replacement products to the markets. The problem is that they are usually just as bad as their gluten containing counterparts. These foods are usually made with highly refined carbohydrates, sugar and various chemicals. If you’re going to eliminate gluten, then choose foods that are naturally gluten free (like plants and animals)… NOT processed gluten-free foods. Junk food with “gluten free” on the label is still junk food.
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 10:30:00 +0000

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