Top 4 Causes of Fires Cooking Equipment When a pot or pan - TopicsExpress


Top 4 Causes of Fires Cooking Equipment When a pot or pan overheats or splatters greases, it can take seconds to cause a fire. Stay in the kitchen when cooking, especially if using oil or high temperatures; most kitchen fires occur because people get distracted and leave their cooking unattended. Keep combustibles (e.g. oven mitts, dish towels, paper towels) away from heat sources. Electrical Equipment Ensure the following: 1) Your electrical appliances don’t have loose or frayed cords/plugs 2) Your outlets aren’t overloaded with plugs 3) You’re not running electrical wires under rugs or heavy furniture 4) You’re not overusing an extension cord. Be careful about do-it-yourself electrical projects; many home fires are caused by improper installation, so use a licensed electrician. Careless Smoking Make the bedroom off-limits to smoking, and supervise smokers who may become drowsy (i.e. on medication, drinking) or forget to extinguish their cigarette. Use large, deep ashtrays; never place an ashtray on or near anything that will burn; and check furniture for fallen cigarettes/embers (a butt can smoulder for hours before causing furniture to burst into flames). Candles Keep candles in a sturdy holder on a level surface, away from combustible materials and out of the reach of children or pets. Blow them out before leaving the room. Children Playing with Fire Children cause fires out of curiosity (what happens when something burns) or mischief (they’re angry, upset or destructive, and fire is a major taboo to break). Kids may be involved in fire play if you find matches or lighters in their room/possession, smell sulphur in their room, and/or find toys or other personal effects that appear melted/singed. Fire Safety There are steps consumers can take to protect themselves from a fire: • Keeping a fire extinguisher in the home can help extinguish a small fire that could develop into a major blaze; • Keeping portable heaters more than 3 feet from anything that could catch on fire. Heaters should never be left on when the house is empty; • Repairing or replacing frayed wires, electrical cords and old appliances; • Keeping kindling, matches and flammable items clear of fireplaces; • Ensuring cigarettes are completely extinguished before throwing them into the trash and avoiding smoking in bed; • Planning escape routes, and a place for family members to meet in the event of a fire; • Installing and maintaining smoke detectors.
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 00:47:08 +0000

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