Top 5 Soundtracks on the Xbox360/PS3/Wii-U In general, - TopicsExpress


Top 5 Soundtracks on the Xbox360/PS3/Wii-U In general, video games have various components associated with them. Each component associated with video games has equally importance towards the success of the game, as well as having a fun an exciting game. While game-play and story play an important role in a game being interesting and successful, one of the more behind-the-scene mechanics of a successful game is through the soundtrack. Therefore, this list will look at the top 5 soundtracks on the Xbox360/PS3/Wii-U in terms of the author’s opinion. Without further delay let’s get right to the list. Note: Spoilers Ahead! #5 Dark Souls (Xbox360/PS3) (Note: later also released on the PC). Dark Souls is a quiet game in itself. Most of the time, said individual is exploring the game with no background music. However, key areas and each boss have their own themes. So then why is this game ranked number five on the list? Simply enough, the soundtrack for each boss fight has its own unique and epic boss battle theme. For example, take the boss theme for one of the more epic boss fights in Dark Souls, Ornstein & Smough. As seen/listened here: https://youtube/watch?v=Nsps0I58yUM the theme has a brilliant sound associated with urgency yet heroicness. The theme has a sense that the player is approaching the final test before the next set of tests is given to the player. While there are other themes in Dark Souls that are epic, the Ornstein & Smough theme strikes out as being a great example in terms of showing the epic soundtracks for this game. Therefore, this is the reasoning behind Dark Souls being number five on the top five list. # 4 Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze (Wii-U) A great majority of people have played at least one Donkey Kong game in their lifetime, or at the very least heard about Donkey Kong. One of the best games in terms of soundtrack with the Donkey Kong country series was Donkey Kong Country 2. Each track on that game was amazing with insane atmosphere. So, what does that have to do with this game? Simple really, the composer who did the soundtrack of Donkey Kong Country 2 (David Wise) also did the soundtrack for Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze. As a result, this new Donkey Kong game has very similar music style with the older games, yet more modern at the same time. For example take this theme here for a boss battle: https://youtube/watch?v=y05XkjLCDGk The theme itself has a sense of an individual being high up from the ground while in a dangerous situation. While this example: https://youtube/watch?v=ss421nbCAJE has the atmosphere that the player is in the middle of grassland. While these are original pieces, David Wise also revisited some other themes that were in Donkey Kong Country 2. For example this theme as shown Twilight Terror ~ Stickerbrush Symphony: https://youtube/watch?v=9SLOGs9ttiE is a re-mastered version of the Stickerbush Symphony in Donkey Kong Country 2. While these are some examples, there are other themes that are amazing to listen to. Perhaps the nostalgia factor plays an important role in terms of this game being in the list. None the less, the soundtrack in this game is atmospheric, epic, and beautiful. #3 Halo 3 (Xbox360) On the big factor that plays into the Halo universe that is different than other First Person Shooters (FPS) is the epic soundtrack associated with this game. Let’s start with the main menu music. Like Halo 1 and 2, the main menu music is pure epicenes as seen here: https://youtube/watch?v=Ju4oFoSR9Ms. It has a feeling of alienation, desperation, and then a sense of epicenes in which the fight is the final fight to decide the future of humanity. Let’s look at another example, titled one Final Effort: https://youtube/watch?v=HIDR5ZBQBfo Without going too far into detail, this music masterpiece makes any part of the Halo experience at least 2x more epic. Without an amazing soundtrack, Halo would end up much lower in terms of popularity. Thus, Halo 3 is listed as number 3 on this list due to how much the soundtrack brings out the best of this game. # 2 Sonic Generations (Xbox360/PS3) (Note: there is a version for the Nintendo 3DS, but it is much different than the one on the Xbox360/PS3) Sonic Generations is a game in which past Sonic and modern Sonic team up to defeat past and present Dr. Eggman. The game looks at three different eras in terms of maps: Classic maps, semi-modern maps, and modern maps. On that note, each map is also separated into two styles; one is 2D while the other is 3D. Because the maps have been re-mastered, the music has been altered within each map. For example, let’s take at one of the maps called City Escape. For the classic version of this song as seen here: https://youtube/watch?v=vKB3BC-LFho&list=RDvKB3BC-LFho#t=3 it has a great sense of epicenes, though there is defiantly a nostalgia factor associated with it. And then there is the modern version as seen here: https://youtube/watch?v=aavtyi9b_O8&index=8&list=RDvKB3BC-LFho This in itself is also epic while having the sense of speed. As stated earlier, there is a heavy sense of nostalgia associated with this song. To make things even more epic, you can unlock other songs from previous sonic games and play them while playing a map. None the less, the sonic series has one of the most epic soundtracks within a game. #1 Final Fantasy 13, Lighting Returns (Xbox360/PS3) One of the major charms with Final Fantasy games is the epic soundtrack associated with the game. Final Fantasy 13, Lighting Returns (FF13LR) may not be the best game in terms of storytelling or game play mechanics, but it has arguably one of the best soundtracks. Let’s start with the main menu/one of battle themes. As listed here: https://youtube/watch?v=PtjiPtUUsUE&list=PL9e0-I9ArbZBh1-mF8Z26PFL3VqU9yz6s this theme is pure epicenes. The theme has a sense of urgency such as the player running out of time before they fail in their quest, while having an epic feeling in terms of combat. Even some of the emotional soundtracks within the game are pure epic and atmospheric. As shown here: https://youtube/watch?v=lQxmxJkEkXY&list=PL9e0-I9ArbZBh1-mF8Z26PFL3VqU9yz6s this theme has a feeling of wrath and belonging from a world that is about to be destroyed. In a sense, it is a place where the player can feel relaxed and safe from danger. Boss battle themes are equally or more epic then majority of the other themes within the game. This theme as shown here: https://youtube/watch?v=T4FBCwoS8WI is the final boss theme where the main character literally fights a God to save the souls of the human race. The theme has a feeling of frightfulness while also having a sense of an epic fight for the deciding factor on the human race. One thing this game did right with the soundtrack is make the credit theme pure epic. Most games just have a boring ending with no impact. FF13LR is much different. As shown here: https://youtube/watch?v=AcXnzWFA1pE the theme summaries all the major points within the series throughout the songs played. A feeling of sadness, happiness, and satisfactory are all present within this theme. Because of the amazing soundtrack that FF13LR provides, I rank this game as number one on my list of the top 5 soundtracks. Overall, there are various soundtracks in each game. Some are better than others, while some are just plain amazing to the point of causing human emotions. Because music is such a subjected point of view, there is no wrong answer in terms of stating what said person’s favorite soundtrack is. With that in mind, thank you for reading this top list and I hope you enjoyed the list and the music I provided. Please provide feed-back towards my ability to make a list of games, or possibly a recommendation for another top “x” list.
Posted on: Mon, 26 May 2014 01:47:23 +0000

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