Top 8 Reasons to Avoid Instant Noodles (Maggi, Wai-Wai etc): - TopicsExpress


Top 8 Reasons to Avoid Instant Noodles (Maggi, Wai-Wai etc): (Maggi culture has encroached Spitian kitchen, replacing all time favourite Femar, Sho, Bakza Mirku when I last visited Spiti. I have always enjoyed Spitian’s warm hospitality whether I am acquainted or not. I love travelling, normally walk if I am paired with a good shoes, and my first stop was Losar. I barged into a modest, dingy and dark hotel. I had a cursory glance, as soon as I took my seat, at the other customers. Few locals (mostly man), laborers and random travelers like myself devouring their hot cups of maggi. A middle-aged man came to take my orders and I was told that all he serves is maggi, soft drinks and tea. And with utmost courtesy, I placed my order, “ ngola japhor kang jungna dik”.and make it kadak please. I implored. I waited. I can tell, being a mediocre connoisseur of tea, how good is the tea by merely looking at its texture. The owner brought my tea with brimming smile and asking, “ kangpa yinna, No?”. Answering all his insubstantial nosy questions, I laid my eyes on much awaited cup of tea. Very light coloured ( chu ser chokes duk, for an instant I thought I was served with CHURU), dripping with tea residual, I was served with powdered milk tea, in the land of milk and mar(butter). My next stop was Kyoto as I have a delivery to made. An old lady with warm face answered my knock and invited me in. I didn’t refuse her invitation as I needed something to fill my stomach; expecting sho/femar or something like that. I was shocked when she offered me maggi again. kyaso, maggi chik fatafat soe rin yong, woyi maggi minang fenpo dak ngoza. I gracefully accepted her offer. I didn’t have this audacity to explain the harmful effects of maggi in our overall health. While devouring her delicious maggi I told her, “kye ane, maggi mangpo saje meka ngowa, nying khalma fowa tole trolak ta ngak. She went on explaining how kids love this, how young girls like it dry and fry, all those merits. Thanking her for her warm hospitality, left Kyoto again. Taking random photos on our way to Kaza, finally made it to Khurik. My cousin sister called me to stopover by her home. She hurriedly opening the door, looking at my weary eyes and repeated the same things I didn’t want to hear again. Tore yoje duk, maggi chik lamsang soe rin ngowa. I grabbed her hands and pleaded. Horshey shawey, maggi mogo,..and I explained all my recent brush with maggi episode and I told her, “maggi is the last food I would intake if our world is paralyzed with famine”. Immersing herself from laughter, she offered to prepare an instant khichdi. I was delighted. I, however, committed a blatant mistake by asking. Sho meta (got curd?). kyazzo sho chik tang dal nook. Sho, mar, had became the luxury of past, it seems. Nyorang Gyethe dhang Tee Gang la khoro jon, sho dhang mar gona, she went on and on. and continuing with my journey, Kaza welcomed me with its cacophonic and chaotic regularity.) Some of you may wonder seeing my disgust with instant noodles why I am so averse to this innocuous looking, deliciously pampering, instantly cooking delicacy. Well, I have compiled the top reasons from highly reliable sources, not from my own whimsical nature. And next time someone offers you a Maggi, just run away or explain it’s de-merits. To a healthy society, to a happier society, here is the top reasons…..Happy and Healthy Reading! High Sodium: Instant noodles usually have higher sodium, which can lead to heart-related diseases like stroke, hypertension, etc. Monosodium Glutamate or MSG (Yuchen): MSG is usually used to enhance the flavour of instant noodles, which can lead to allergy and other symptoms (headaches, facial flushing, pain, burning sensation) in some people. Cause of Obesity: As instant noodles contain fat and sodium, it can lead to retention of water in body, which, in turn, can lead to obesity. Bad for Digestive System: Instant noodles are considered bad for digestive system. Regular consumption may cause irregular bowl movements and bloating. Affect Metabolism: As most of instant noodles contain chemical substances like additives, colors, and preservatives, regular consumption of instant noodles can affect the body’s metabolism, which can lead to other problems in long term. Inhibit Nutrient Absorption: Noodles have been found to inhibit the absorption of nutrients in children under age of 5. May Cause Cancer: There are times that instant noodles are packed in Styrofoam, which can be a cancer-causing agent. Avoid the ones that are packed in Styrofoam. Junk Food: Instant noodles do not have any vitamins, fiber, or minerals, but only carbohydrates, which puts it into category of “junk food”.
Posted on: Thu, 03 Oct 2013 04:33:05 +0000

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