‘Torchwood’ Creator Says Season 5 is in Limbo, May Debut in 10 - TopicsExpress


‘Torchwood’ Creator Says Season 5 is in Limbo, May Debut in 10 or 20 Years 7 months ago by Scott Stoute 17 2 Torchwood season 5 Torchwood Creator Says Season 5 is in Limbo, May Debut in 10 or 20 Years When we previously brought the news that series 5 of the BBC’s hit Doctor Who spin-off Torchwood was being placed on indefinite hold, we promised to keep fans updated on any info that might arise. Now, according to showrunner Russell T. Davies, the news is… exactly the same. Appearing last Saturday on comedian Graham Norton’s BBC radio show, Davies chatted mostly about his current television project Wizards vs Aliens, but also touched upon the status of Torchwood, saying that the fan favorite sci-fi drama, while not quite “dead,” is in television limbo: “I loved making it over there [in the USA], and I would have carried on if circumstances hadn’t brought me back to this country, so it’s kind of in limbo for me at the moment. I’m not working on it at the moment, I’m only working on ‘Wizards VS. Aliens.’ When I get back to work one day, I don’t know, it’ll be old news to the BBC! “It’s not officially [cancelled], it’s in a nice limbo where it can stew – those shows can come back in ten, twenty years time.” On the one hand, Davies’ recent statement isn’t exactly the most reassuring thing for eager fans desperately waiting to see more of the continuing saga of the immortal Captain Jack Harkness – on the other hand, it’s also not a “no” as to whether or not series 5 will happen. Despite a few mixed reviews, last season’s Torchwood: Miracle Day – which took the series across the pond to the USA in a joint effort between the BBC and the Starz Network – was highly praised for its ambitious storyline and casting choices. Torchwood season 5 Russell T Davies Torchwood Creator Says Season 5 is in Limbo, May Debut in 10 or 20 Years‘Torchwood’ creator Russell T. Davies With the ever-growing popularity of parent show Doctor Who and Torchwood: Miracle Day’s strong ratings, Starz has maintained interest in making a series 5 whenever Davies is ready. Starz CEO Chris Albrecht added to Davies ‘maybe someday’ statement by saying: “You know, Russell is so busy. Obviously, we’re in touch with the BBC all the time. We told them, we stand by ready for any news, but I think it would be a while before Russell came back to ‘Torchwood.’” Even Captain Jack himself, actor John Barrowman, hasn’t given up hope on once again donning his trademark military peacoat. Currently starring on the CW’s superhero drama Arrow, Barrowman expressed interest in a Torchwood movie should a season 5 not happen. Barrowman said: “I’m not going to talk about the future of ‘Torchwood’ beyond where we are, but if I said I wouldn’t love to have Captain Jack on the big screen, I’d be lying” So there it is again: Everyone is down for a Torchwood series 5 if creator Russell T. Davies can find the time. While it may be some time before Torchwood comes back to earth, disappointed fans can hold on to the hope that Captain Jack Harkness will make an appearance in the big 50th anniversary episode of Doctor Who, which is expected to start filming next spring.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Jun 2013 18:21:26 +0000

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