Towards the Super Society:- If joint family system existed during - TopicsExpress


Towards the Super Society:- If joint family system existed during feudalism and if joint family system gave way to family system during the development of capitalism and, if the family system is losing its importance in developed capitalist society, it can be assumed that the family system also will loss its relevance and the nation will look after the children. The reason for increase in divorce rate in Capitalist countries is that two individual cannot be compromised in a sophisticated socity because of tension created by the sophisticated socity. Moreover , the family system is not able to nurture the personality of a citizen. Because parents have no specialized knowledge to nurture the personality of the children. Therefore, I am of the opinion that to nurture the personality of the citizen the psychologists should be made as the warden of the hostel in which children are growing. Because specialization is the law of nature of the present century. Finally I am of the opinion that all the chaos in the society is due to women and money. If the monopoly of the two are removed from individuals, there will not be any chaos in the society. If the social development of mankind is examined, it can be found that his social structure developed through family, sect, tribe and national states. If the social development proceed like this we can imagine that the nationalstates also may fade out and a world nation may be formed. European Union and United Nations are the first steps towards a world Government. To attain a World Government the ideological difference between Capitalists and the Socialists should come down. The only way for this is Social Democracy. Only through Social Democracy, Communism can be evolved. Because when man evolved from an animal called monkey, he had all the characters of an animal and when his intelligence developed he began to shed his individualist attitude slowly and began to form small society after he formed society he began to develop social systems. If we analyze the development of the social system we can understand that after Social Democracy, Man will evolve to communism or a stateless socity. At that time he will completely shed his individualist attitude and selfishness. At that time there will not be any need for law.
Posted on: Thu, 06 Jun 2013 09:23:55 +0000

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