Training or working out - its not always fun, easy or mentally - TopicsExpress


Training or working out - its not always fun, easy or mentally fulfilling HOWEVER you just do it. You put on your big girl/boy panties and you do it. Yep, you can whine all day about the lack of time, energy, knowledge, etc... and stay stagnate in your own life OR you can just do it - hold your whining and just move! We are all busy, we all have a million things on our plates - who are you to think you dont have to time manage and struggle like the rest of us to get the same results??? - you want results then you have to be willing to do more than whine about wanting them! Same with food - Not every meal is going to be a mouth orgasm - full of life and flavor but you eat it - you fuel up and you go to work! Its not about eating every thing we want all the time - its about learning some disciple and understanding - this body - its on loan. Its like renting a Bugatti for a weekend and returning it with trash, spills, ripped sets and dented venders THEN expecting NOT to be charged! Instead of taking pride that your rollin up in a Bugatti - you trash it and take it for granted - the only difference...YOUR BODY IS YOUR ONLY TRUE RIDE!!! Take care of YOU >> Physically - train for strength & mobility. Mentally - train for stress relief & clarity. Being - train for understanding & personal victories! 16 days
Posted on: Fri, 10 Oct 2014 02:47:02 +0000

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