Transcending Life Limitations With the Use of Colors “There - TopicsExpress


Transcending Life Limitations With the Use of Colors “There is never enough time, or money to just escape and rest myself from all of my concerns. The thought of leaving outside of my door and to walk, or drive wherever my heart desire…the idea of stopping to actually smell the roses and watch the birds soaking up the sun as they perch atop the tree branches; perhaps, take advantage of the moment and grow some imaginary wings to fly with the birds and really admire the beach, the seashores, and mountains from a birds eye perspective. If I had enough time I would examine the seashells along the shores, and the veins along the tree leaves. I would open up my God given sensory and actually stop to sniff the roses and smell the exotic aroma from the coffee and enjoy all of the energy around me and allow my cup to run over…this would be a world without limitations. Now, I know that the impossible dreams are not any longer impossible…. I can no longer go back to the old world of, never is enough because I have extended my observation no longer restricted, but have allowed myself to receive new possibilities.” Have you fallen into a daily rut/routine? Have you placed limitations in your life? Are you using your celestial wings to fly into your full unlimited potential? We all tend to place some form of limitations and boundaries in our own life. This can be due to having a family, and or people that are needy of our time and attention in some aspect or another, from the boss to feeding, clothing the children and variety of other house hold chores, duties and responsibilities. We can transcend limitations, but we have to be open to the possibilities. You see, it all starts within the mind. When we move our minds, our ass will follow. If you’ve never tried that ideology, try and see if it doesn’t work. This Lens will give you a good opportunity to try the mind over matter, concept. A new world is created in the mind. You see, in the mind there only exist time and space which is also where you have “unlimited potential, and unlimited possibilities.” If all matter is energy as according to Albert Einstein’s equation E=MC2, and our bodies are energy then nothing is solid as we physically see it to be and it is true then also that everything sooner, or later will dissimilate into subatomic particles of energy. Energy is nonphysical in nature and infinite. The human body is made up of particles of energy. Energy never dies, it transforms. It is of a truism that obstacles are only energy in reality that can be transformed. As energy, we humans have always been around, and we will continue to be around in some way. In order to tap into transcendence we must open up our mind beyond the physical eyes. We should be open to the truism that there exist unexplored time and space around us daily. We have to consciously become aware of the energies around us that is desirable and undesirable. Everything is energy, according to Albert Einstein including Color. Color makes the spectrum of light visible, and all colors have movement and contains energy. Therefore, colors affect us both in the positive realm, as well as within the negative. Henceforth, colors can destroy as well as have the power to heal. They can depress or uplift. Color can inspire, draw you in, or make you sick. It is totally mesmerizing how colors have been studied and as a result have been noted for healing disease in the body, mind and spirit. You too can learn how to use Color to help bring balance and attract success. Believe it or not, we have been given the power to heal ourselves and improve our business through the use of color, It is a gift from God. When used in the correct way color can heal. When used in the wrong way color can be destructive. In order to understand how Colors affect us we must begin to understand that we are energy and everything in life is energy and is formed from movement. The different frequency of light or Colors affects different energies of the body, according to the author of, Cashing in on the Simple Magic of Color. We can increase our chances of success in life, be it health or business by becoming aware of the Colors which contain the energy needed to achieve our wanted results. The only way to deny this from being a truth for self is that you as the individual must try it for a while first. Then, if you find that it doesn’t happen for you then it doesn’t. But, I’m pretty sure you will see some positive results. Use the Energy Centers image provided above and observe the colors that covers specific areas. Meditate visualizing the colors as flames of fire at the specific area of concern. Now, too much of any good thing can create the opposite so do not over indulge. To discover how to use Color effectively and properly, please visit More “Magic” at valerieann. I have used this meditative method and it does work when it is applied. A Few Methods for Getting the Benefits of Color which are also mentioned in more detail on Valerieann J. Skinner website: 1.Use Colored bulbs in lamps, or cover a lamp or window with a transparent Colored (plastic) sheet. Sit or lie in the stream of colored light for about 30 minutes during several days. 2.Wear Clothes of certain Colors. 3.Eat food of certain Colors. 4.Wear Jewelry with gemstones in the Colors you need. 5.Decorate with Colors that provide the energies you need. According to Cashing in on the “Simply Magic” of Color, as an example, whenever you are selling anything, the secret is to appeal to the emotions of the person you are selling to. When they read your sales copy, they have to be reading words that stir up certain emotions which lead them to a position where they want your product more than anything else. An important part of the selling tactic, which, unfortunately, too many people pass up is the Color Scheme. Using Colors which symbolize what it is you are doing will make a huge difference. You will see an increase in performance of the best sales copy…if you have the right Colors behind it…Colors used for a product, web-site business card, or logo cause powerful reactions. Colors send a subliminal message, one which plays a critical role in success or failure.” Learn more about how colors and art overall have a dynamic effect on the mental, physical and spiritual aspects of our being, please visit funkysak/blog.html (How Art Heals). And, visit Valerieann J. Skinner, More “Magic” at valerieann. Please share your thoughts: Do you believe in the power of Colors? Have you every tried using Colors, or art to uplift, heal, inspire? Do you have any information you can share with us on the subject? If so, your comments are encouraged and welcomed. P.S. Looking for art, artist, art scenes, art exhibitions and art related businesses to blog about. Please visit the Home page of funkysak for Your Blog form. Please fill out the blog form and return the information to: Katie@funkysak. Or, Info@funkysak. Lets broaden your market. It really doesnt matter what vocation, or field of business you are in, if you are selling anything you are in business and you want that business to grow without limits and boundaries.” Katie V. Flowers My blogs are about my artwork, the contents of my business website, Funky S.a.K and promoting the arts. Inclusive of creating success for yourself and your business, essentially for the novice and intermediate entrepreneur I am a professional Freelancer and I would be happy to speak with you in regards to blogging for your business/organization. It is my pleasure to assist you as individual, or as a group with any sound request, or inquiry where I can assist. Thank you for taking the time out to read my articles, making a statement, and leaving a thumbs up! We dont just create and sell art, we help you create your atmospheric ambiance. You can reach me for art on your walls too at: Katie@Funkysak funkysak Best Creative Regards! Katie 708.926.9252
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 20:54:18 +0000

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